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Rachel's POV
He pulls out the ring and I just gasp.
"I know what your thinking and no, it's not a proposal. It's a promise ring. This is my promise to you that I will always love you and be honest with you and I want to marry you and start a family with you someday. So will you accept this ring?"

"I will! I love you so much Finn Hudson."
I jump into his arms until we get interrupted by Santana.
"Not to ruin your little love fest, but what the hell is that", she says as she points to the ring.
"He proposed!"
"No, I'm messing with you it's a promise ring, but don't say anything because I want to fool Kurt."

"Okay, but only if when finnessa actually proposes, I'll get to be your maid of honor and not lady Hummel."
"Deal, but Kurt will have a special part too".

Finn wraps his arms around me and we walk over to the glee club.
"So guys there's gonna be a party at my place tonight and it's only for the glee club" Quinn exclaims.

"We'll be there!" The glee club exclaims.
"Oh and it's a pool party so bring your bathing suits."
Finn looks kind of nervous when Quinn says pool party so I go over to him to see what's up.

"Hey baby, what's wrong?"
"I don't think I want to go to Quinn's party."
"Why? Don't you want to see me in my bikini?" I say smirking trying to cheer him up.
" well yeah, but I just don't wanna expose myself to everyone, I mean your the only person I trust. Cause I mean my body isn't the greatest and you deserve so mu-"

I cut him off by saying," hey look at me, you are the most hottest, sexiest guy I have ever seen, and you have a different body type. Everyone does, there's nothing you should be ashamed of because you're just gonna have to trust me that you have the best body I've ever seen".

"I love you so much, you know that right?" He says with a slight smile.
"I know you do, you big dork."
"Oh so I'm a dork?"
"Yeah, but you're my dork."
"Come on let's go get ready for the party."

{skipping to the party}
Finn's POV
I feel a little more confident about myself when Rachel gave me her little "pep" talk. I see her take her shaw off and my jaw just drops.
"Close your mouth, you'll catch flies."

I quickly take off my shirt and pick her up and jump in the pool.
Now everyone jumps in and we start having a water fight.
Rachel and I are kissing until puck and Quinn comes over and splashes us.
"Break it up you two", puck yells
"Oh yeah?"
I splash puck and we just start laughing.
I hear Rachel say to Quinn ," boys."

I go over and pick her up again.
"Finn, put me down!"
"Not until you have some fun"
"Ooo let's have a chicken fight"
She goes onto my shoulders and we look like a skyscraper because I'm so tall.
"Who wants to go against us?" I say in a deep voice.
Rachel giggles and I just melt.
"I will, come on puck, let's teach them a lesson", Quinn says.

"Okay you're so on dude."
Quinn gets onto puck's shoulders and Sam yells," 1,2,3 FIGHT!"
Rachel and Quinn just charge at each other while I just make mean faces at puck.
Finally Rachel pushes Quinn off and we cheer in victory.

"Yessss we're the champions".
"Yeah but that's only because Finn's built like a wall and Rachel's freakishly strong" Quinn says defending herself.
Rachel flexes and kisses her arms.
I just start to crack up.
I bring her down and kiss her.
"Best. Day. Ever." She says
Thanks for the votes I'll update soon!

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