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Rachel's POV
Ever since Finn and i's fight last week, he's been a little attached. Like he won't leave me alone. I mean I love him and I don't think it's annoying but I just need my space.
"Hey finn, how are you?"
"Um I'm good"
"Okay,well I'm gonna have a girls night with all the glee club girls at my house so no boys".

"What, no rach."
"My decision is final mister".
"Ok, but I'll miss you a ton."
"Finn, I live next door." I say with a chuckle
"Oh right, forgot about that."
"See ya later nerd"
"Right back at yah" he responds winking.

I took out my phone and texted all the girls for a sleepover and Kurt is welcome too of course.
Well only Quinn, Britt, Kurt, and Santana are coming so this should be fun. Well Quinn kind of has to come because she lives here😂.
The girls and Kurt are finally here and right now we're doing facials.

"So Q how's the engaged life?" I ask curiously
"Oh it's great, I'm so happy and I think I'm gonna move in with him if that's not a problem with you or your parents."
"No that's wonderful, I'll just miss having my sister around" I say winking.

"Wanky" Santana says and I punch her playfully.
"So Kurt how are you and Blaine." I ask wiggling my eyebrows.
"Ok, first of all we are great and he said he loves me and I said it back, and second of all I've seen you and Finn doing something that I would not like to speak of." I just kind of blush.

"Wait you walked in on frankenteen and b doing the nasty?"
"No, I just walked in on them about to do the nasty."
"Okay let's just stop talking about this and watch the movie." I say trying to change the subject.

"Yeah, I rather not talk about Rachel's sex life."
"See, thanks Q"
"No problem B"
We watched the movie and we ended up falling asleep and when we woke up we were almost late for school.

"OMG GUYS WAKE UP!" I yell cause I wake up the earliest.
Santana throws a pillow at me but I dodge.😏
"Ugh loud mouth go to sleep"
"No school starts in half an hour so get your lazy butts up so we can go."
"Fine" they all groan and we get dressed and eat a quick breakfast.

I drive to school because they're all half asleep and I think Kurt is drooling a little. I do what any best friend would do and took a picture.
The flash woke him up and I say you welcome and he just groaned and gave me a death glare.
I see Finn by his locker so I wrap my arms around his waist. "Guess who?"

Finn's POV
I was at my locker getting my books when I felt tiny arms wrap around my huge frame.
"Guess who?"
"Umm let me guess, puck?"
"Yeah, it's me man, isn't Rachel looking smoking hot today?" She says in a really deep voice.
I pull her around and I say," hm puck you look different."

She just giggles and I give her a kiss before going off to class.
I sit through this painful Spanish lesson mr. Shue is trying to teach but he isn't doing very well. He's a great teacher just not Spanish teacher.

Finally the bell rings and it's time for glee club.
When we get in there I sit next to Rachel and Santana even though every time she moves I flinch. Mr shue writes, "I Do" on the board.
We all gasp while he explains," yes, I am finally going to propose to ms. Pilsbury. So does anyone have any songs they would like to sing?"

"Um mr. Shue, I have something I would like to sing."
I get up and say," this is for you rach"
"Each time the wind blows I hear your voice so, I call your name......."
I finish my last note of," I just can't stop loving you".
Rachel comes up and hugs me tight and it just felt like we were the only two people in the room.

"I mean just wanky, I'm sure finnessa wants a slice of berry pie but I have a song I would like to sing."
"Santana!" Mr shue says
"What, I'm just keeping it real."
"Okay, Finn that was lovely now Santana".

Santana's POV
"Okay, this is for Britt, I love you."
I sing," if I can't have you".
Brittany just runs up to me and gives me a quick hug before sitting down.

"So did that beat lumps or what?"
"Santana, be nice" Rachel says.
"Ugh, fine but only for you".
Mr shue starts to talk about his proposal so I ask," so what are you thinking you're gonna do for ms p?"

"Um maybe white roses and a dance routine in the pool."
"Oh, how about," we found love in a hopeless place?"
"That's a great idea now mike and Sam can do the choreography because mike is a great dancer and Sam is a synchronized swimmer."
We all just laugh but I kind of add a little spice to it," wait you're telling me that trouty mouth over here is a speedo wearing dancer?" I say almost cracking up.

"Mr. Shue, I told you this would happen" Sam complains crossing his arms.
"Okay, let's get started on practicing for sectionals!"

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