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Finn's POV
I can't believe it's nationals already. Graduation is only in a few days, I'm going to New York with Rachel and we're gonna get into our dream schools. Although my dream is to go to Boston, Rachel is my love and I'll do anything to be with her.

She seems a little sad lately and I wonder why. We perform (season 3 nationals) and now it's judging time.
"And the winner of the Lima Ohio national show choir is........ From McKinley high school the new directions."

I can't believe we did it! When we walked through the doors of McKinley everyone was staring at us. Then some jocks came and had slushy cups. Oh no. The throw it and it's confetti.
Rachel and I share a kiss and then we all celebrate with sparkling cider.

*skipping to graduation*
"And now, the class of 2012"
We throw our hats in the air and Rachel's says she needs to talk to me.
I drive her to my house and she begins to talk.

Rachel's POV
"Finn, I want you to go to MIT."
"What no, don't say that."
"I can't keep you from your dream, I can't be the reason you don't follow your dream."
I start to tear up.
"I love you, and I want to go to New York, I don't care what you say, I'm going with you and that's final!"
"But your dream Finn."
"You're my dream Rachel, I don't care where we are as long as we're together."
He wipes away my tears and he kisses me passionately and it gets more heated.
*you know what happens next*

I wake up and see a sleeping Finn beside me and just smile. We're gonna have a family and live in the city of my dreams, but I can't help but feel wrong about this.

"Hey rach" I hear Finn say with a sleepy tone.
"What's up?"
"I can't let you do this, I wanna go to Boston with you." I blurt out loud.
"No Rachel, we talked about this, you're meant to be in New York and I'm coming with you."
"Exactly, I don't want you to later resent me for you coming to New York and not following your own dreams. So Finn, I'm letting you go, I'll always love you no matter what".

"Wait please don't go." He says with tears in his eyes.
"It's for the best Finn, you'll always be in my heart."I say before giving him one last kiss and crying as I walk out.
Goodbye forever Finn.

Or so I thought.

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