We can try again.

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Finn's POV
I can't believe we're having another kid. I can tell Rachel is having a few trust issues with me, but I want to prove to her that I won't leave.
I'm gonna propose to her! I know it didn't work out so well last time but we were young and now we're both more mature.

I'm regretting calling Santana for her help but I guess she's the only one that can keep a secret cause I know Kurt will eventually tell. That's why I'm telling him the day of the proposal.

Finn: hey sand bags, can you help me with something.
Santana: what is it blubbers, are you stuck on the beach so I have to roll you back into the ocean?
Finn:no, I'm gonna propose to Rachel.
Santana: about time you idiot, I'll help you, but only for Rachel.
Finn: deal, meet me at the mall to pick out a ring with Lily and I.
Santana: okay.

Santana may be a b**ch, but she does care for her friends a lot, even though she doesn't show it. I get Lily ready and tell her where we're going.

"Okay princess, ready to go to the mall?"
"Yes daddy, why are we going to the mall?"
"Daddy's gonna pick out a ring for mommy so I can propose, so don't tell her."
"Okay, I won't."

With that conversation ending, we drive to the mall and walk into the jewelry shop.
"Hello how may I help you." A elder lady said.
Before I can answer Santana comes in.
"He's looking for an engagement ring for his girlfriend."

"Hi Santana."
"Hey pudding pack, hello little munchkin, soon you're gonna either shrink like your mom or grow into a large beanstalk like your dad."
"Thanks" I say with a evil glare, she just responds with a smirk.

"So we have many options for engagement rings, but I want you tell me about her."
"Okay, well she's very kind, loves to sing, is a great mother, beautiful, and my childhood best friend."

"Oh wow, she sounds lovely. I think I know just the ring."
She goes into the stock room and brings out a magnificent ring.
"Wow, that is some rock." Santana says.
"It's so pretty daddy, mommy will love it."
"Yeah, I know she will, I'll take it."

I saved up my money from the army and when I was in college I got a degree in engineering.
"Thank you for the help, Mildred." I say glancing at her name tag.
"No problem honey, just treat that woman of yours well."
"I will ma'm"

Lily goes off with Santana to go shopping and I just drive home because I know they will take long.
"Hey babe, where'd you go, and where is Lily."
"Oh um I went to the mall with Lily and I saw Santana there so they're shopping." I say nervously.
"Oh okay, while we're home alone, what do you want to do." She whispers seductively in my ear.

We start to make out on the couch when we hear the door open.
"Ewww, why are you eating mommy's face?" We hear our little girl yell. We immediately jump off each other and I grab Lily and start tickling her.

"Hahahah daddy stop." I give her a kiss and she puts away all her shopping bags in her room.
"So, as you two were about to rip each other's clothes off I got Rachel a dress to wear for tonight." Santana says and she was talking about my proposal.
"What's tonight?" She asks.

"Glee club reunion, everyone's going, now you're bump is not that large so this dress will compliment it."
"Okay?" She says confused.
"Come on, chop chop." Santana says shushing Rachel away from me.

She then pulls out a small bag,
"I picked it up, you're welcome."
"Thanks" I whisper.
"But if you mess this up again I'll go all Lima heights on you."
"Okay, okay" I say putting my hands up in surrender.

"Just get her to the auditorium by 5."
I instantly rush off to the school to get ready. All she has to do is say yes again.

Rachel's POV
For some reason, Santana's making me dress really nice for just a glee club reunion. Something tells me it's more than that.
I'm so glad I haven't started showing yet, because I would look like a pumpkin in this dress Santana bought me.

Once Santana is finished with my makeup, we head to the school. The last time I was there I kicked a bunch of stands and went on a temper rage because I saw Finn.

Now, we're really happy together. Santana leads me into the auditorium and she says to go press the button on the table where mr. Shue sits.

I walk over there and when I look back, she's gone. I press the button and a video pops up.
I see mr. Shue on the screen.
"Rachel is one of the best students I've ever had. She inspires people and she's kind to them. She's also not afraid to be herself which is her best quality."
Then it's Santana.

"Rachel is one of my best friends, she helped me when I came out of the closet and she supports me on who I want to be in life. I love you Rach!"
She says blowing me a kiss.

Then I see Kurt appear.
"I never thought in a million years that Rachel Berry, most popular girl in school would be my best friend. You stick up for the underdogs, and there aren't many people like you out there. I can't wait to become in laws!"
Wait a minute, in laws?
Then, I see Finn.

"Hey Rachel , I know you're probably confused but please go sit in the front seat." Confused, I go and sit down. Then, the curtains open and I see all the original new direction. I hear Finn sing the first line of "don't stop believing" then he comes down and grabs my hand.

I sing the next line and then the newer new directions come up on stage and I hug all of them. We all belt out our last note and then they all become silent.
Finn comes up to me and then he starts kneel down. Oh my god! He's proposing.

"Rachel Berry, I know you're probably afraid right now because of what happened last time, but just hear me out before you say anything. When I first proposed, we were both really young and now we're more mature. You forgave me for the stupid mistake I made and now we will two kids together. I remember when we were like about 7 and we told each other if we're both single by 25 then we would get married to each other. You're still my best friend, but now we're more than best friends, we're soul mates. I love you so much and I love Lily and our unborn child so much, so would you do the honor of marrying me?"
He says opening the ring box.

I try to hold back my tears but they just come pouring out. Dang hormones. He waits anxiously for a answer and when he starts to look down I pull his chin up with my finger.
"yes, I'll marry you"

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