Christmas wishes

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Rachel's POV
I'm so excited! Today's Christmas Eve. I'm spending it with Finns family because my parents are away on business. Best parents in the world!😑

I got Finn new watch and an iPod for Christmas. I hope he loves it, I know I spent a lot but he means the world to me. I slept over Finn's last night while his parents were away and Kurt was at blaine's. We had some fun, let's just say that.

I get snapped out of my thoughts by Finn saying," good morning babe it's Christmas Eve".
"Good morning to you too" I smirk
"I'm gonna go take a shower, would you like to join?" I say biting my lip.
He rushes out the covers and picks me up and goes to the bathroom. Boys, they're all like this.😂

After Finn and i's shower we get dressed and I make some cookies.
"Oooo what's that smell". Finn says excitedly while looking like a five year old.
"I'm making cookies, care to join".
"I would love to" he says but when he comes over hell breaks loose.
"I think the recipe calls for some flour" I say but then Finn gets a handful of flour and throws it in my face.
I wipe the flour out of my eyes and start to fake cry.

"Oh baby I'm so sorry here let me clean you off", he apologizes but then I grab and egg behind me and crack it on his head.
"Oops it slipped" I say shrugging my shoulders.
"Oh you're so gonna pay for that young lady." We start to throw other food until we both look like a mess.

By now, we're just on the floor cracking up.
"I love you Finn Christopher Hudson ."
"I love you too Rachel Barbara berry but we have to clean this up before my mom gets home."
I just start laughing and he picks me up and puts me on the counter.
"What's so funny?" He asks
"Nothing it's just we both look so funny."
"Oh really? Well I think you look beautiful".
He kisses me and then it turns into a heated make out session until we pull away for air.

"I think we need to clean this up or your mom's gonna be pissed."
"Yeah". He says as he chuckles.
Finn and I clean up the kitchen before we take another shower together😏.

We then just snuggle by the fire while we watch a Christmas movie. We hear the door open and see that it's Kurt with Blaine.
"Hey guys" I say while walking up to hug Kurt
"So what did you two do today?" He says winking.
"Um we just had the occasional flour fight and we made some Christmas cookies to decorate, would you two like some?"
"Of course, I love cookies!"

We end up decorating all of the cookies for Finn's family to eat, and Blaine goes home to spend Christmas with his family.
"So are you excited? Spending your first Christmas together as a couple?"
Kurt asks me while Finn's in the bathroom.

"Yeah, I actually am. I mean we used to always spend Christmas together but it's different now that we are a couple."
"So what did you get Finn for Christmas?"
"Oh I'm not telling you cause you tend to be a blabber mouth."
" am not"
"Are to, remember last year?"
"Okay, you made your point, I may have the tendency to give in but this time I won't."
"Okay, but still not going to tell you".

*christmas morning*
Finn's POV
I'm so happy it's Christmas! I instantly wake Rachel up at 6:00 am and I just hear her groan.
"Rach it's Christmas! Aren't you excited?"
"I am but I need my sleep."
"Don't you wanna see what I got you?" I smirk
She gets up and looks at me.
"What are you waiting for let's go"

"Hi honey, did you sleep well?" My mom asks Rachel.
"I did and I'm so happy I get to spend Christmas with you guys!" Rachel exclaims
"Me too sweetie, now let's open presents!"
I open mine from Kurt and it's some clothes and a new video game.

"Thanks bro"
"No thank you Finn for these fashionable clothes I love them!" He screams
"Well I didn't pick them out, Rachel did"
"Well then thank you Rachel."
"Welcome kurtie."

I then open Rachel's present and it's and iPod and a new watch! I can't believe she got me this. I kiss her vet passionately and say," I love you so much."
"I love you too finnegan". I laugh at the nickname.

She opens her gift from me and her eyes light up.

Rachel's POV
It's finally time to open Finn's gift and I read the card first.
Rachel, I can't tell you how much I love you. Your my best friend and soulmate, I love every single thing about you. The way your eyes light up when you see a Broadway musical or when you wake me up in the morning with all your crazy methods. This necklace symbolizes my love for you and I hope you love it as much as I love you.

Love, Finn

"Oh my god Finn , it's beautiful I love it." I see a shiny silver necklace with a heart pendent and engraved on the back is" forever yours, faithfully"
I start crying so much and I just leap into Finn's arms.
I love this man so much it hurts.

I'll prob update tomorrow, thanks again for reading.☺️

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