It's a..........

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Rachel's POV
I feel like a whale and I'm only 4 months.
Well Kurt says I'm bigger than most women at 4 months is because I'm carrying a Finn sized baby. Why does he have to be so dam* tall.

I'm so happy though, because we're finding out  the gender of our baby is today. I just have this feeling that it's gonna be a girl, but Finn insists that it's a boy.

I see Kurt and Santana arguing about something so I listen in.
"You are so on lady Hummel, because I bet you that it's gonna be a boy."
"Bring it sandbags."

"Hey guys" I say awkwardly.
"Oh hey, so are you excited to find out the gender today?" Kurt asks.
Before I could answer, Santana being Santana, "of course she's excited"
Then Finn comes through the front door," ready to go rach?"

*at the doctors*
They call us in and I'm a nervous wreck.
"That's odd?" The doctor questions.
"Omg, there's something wrong with the baby" I say almost crying because I'm very hormonal.
"Oh no don't cry, there's nothing wrong but I thought I saw something".
"So would you like to know the gender of your baby?"

"Yes!" We both say excitedly.
"It's a.......... Baby girl!"
"Oh my god Finn, we're having a little girl."
I say as I cry tears of joy.
We both decided that we would invite everyone to our house to tell them the gender.

Once we got home, Kurt and Santana bombarded us with questions.
"So what is it?"
"We can't tell you because we want it to be a surprise." I say but I can tell they both look mad.
"We'll tell you tonight when we invite Everyone" Finn explains.
"Fine" Kurt says and Santana just rolls her eyes.

*at the dinner*
"Okay, we're all glad you could make it on such short notice." Finn announces.
"So for dessert we have a cupcake and the filling will be either blue or pink."

"Yeah, yeah we get it now let's hand out the cupcakes" Santana yells.
We hand them out and we countdown.
"Ready, set, go!"
They vigorously slice through the cupcake and Quinn yells," it's a girl."
I hear Kurt let out a ," yesss! Santana pay up!"
"Why do I always lose these bets!" Santana yells as she curses in Spanish under her breath.

We all talk to each other because we haven't seen each other for a while. I realized Beth has gotten a lot bigger, she's looking more like Quinn everyday. I can't wait to have my little girl!

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