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Rachel's POV
I'm 2 weeks late and I feel like a whale. The doctor put me on bedrest, but I can't help but feel helpless. Finn has been a sweetheart with all my crazy cravings and mood swings.
9 months pregnant and this baby still won't come out.

Then I feel liquid run down my leg.
He comes rushing in with a worried face.
"It's time."
"Okay, let's go to the hospital"
"Duh you idiot" I say as I'm having a contraction.

He holds my hand and I just squeeze it for dear life. We get to the hospital and they put me on a wheel chair and roll me into the room.
"It's okay baby everything's fine." Finn says trying to calm me down.

"No it's not fine I have to push another human being out of my body"
The doctors say I'm ready to push so I push as hard as I can.
"Push Rachel" the doctor says
"Dammit Finn why do you have to be so tall."
"You're doing great rach."
"Well I would like to see the roles reversed, ahhhh!" I exclaim.

"She's crowning"
I give it one last push and crying fills the room.
"Now what would you like to name this lovely baby girl?"
"What do you think of lily rose Hudson?"
"That sounds perfect" Finn says as he kisses my  forehead.

The nurse hands her to me and I start to cry.
"Oh my gosh Finn, she's beautiful"
I look into her eyes and I see myself, but thank god she didn't get my Jewish nose.
"Now would the father like to hold her?"
I ask and Finn just nods , still overwhelmed.

I see a tear role down his face and then I see Kurt and Santana.
"What's up mama?" Santana said
"Oh it's all good I just had to push a Finn sized baby out of me." I say with sarcasm.
"Let me see my niece, pyramid boobs."
Finn reluctantly hands over Lily, while Santana starts to cry.

"She's beautiful, she obviously gets that from Rachel." She says winking at me.
Finn rolls his eyes and I just grab his hand.
"We have a baby" I say looking into his eyes
"We have a baby" he said returning a smile.
________________________________sorry this is so short I didn't have a lot of time to write. School is starting soon so I won't be able to update as much as I do now.

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