My baby

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Rachel's POV
"Where's my baby Finn?"
He stiffened and sat down on the bed.
"You had a miscarriage and they weren't able to save the baby."

"This is all my fault!" I yell and I scream until he comes and holds me close while I cry into his chest. He holds me for about an hour before I stop crying.

"I killed our baby." I say looking down. He brings me chin up and our faces are locked.
"Hey, look at me you didn't kill the baby okay? We just had some minor problems, but we can try again? I love you so much."

"I love you my hero." I kiss him and Kurt comes in to talk to me.
"Okay, I'll give you some room to talk." Finn says and walks out giving me a peck on the cheek.

"Do you know where Lily is?" I ask
He nods his head and comes up to hug me.
"I thought I was gonna lose you."
"Don't worry I'm not going anywhere bestie."
He hold on to me tighter and we stay that way. I love him so much.

Then, Quinn, Brittany and Santana come in but I have never seen Santana like this. Her face has tears in her eyes.
"Wow. Santana Lopez is crying?" I ask with a joking expression.

"Shut up Berry." The three of them hug me and walk out. The doctor said I have to stay here until they know I'm stable but I don't want to stay here alone.

"Finn." I yell and he comes rushing in.
"Rachel, what happened? Are you okay? Do I need to get the doctor?"
"I'm fine you big goof I just wanted to ask you a question."

"Will you stay with me tonight?"
"Of course I will"
I scoot over and he comes plopping down on the bed. I giggle at his clumsiness.
"This is just like old times when we had sleepovers."

"Yeah, just like old times my friend". I say and I snuggle close to him.

Author's note
Sorry this was so short I'll try to update as soon as I can. Thanks for 1k reads!

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