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I realized I never said who won regionals so I'll tell you in this chapter.
Quinn's POV
Mom? Dad? I say surprised to see them. My face instantly changes.
"What do you want" I say in a harsh tone.
"We came to tell you that we want to be in your life again."
"No, you will not come near me or my daughter, now get out!"

"But quinny?"
"No, I'm not your quinny, you made your choice when you told me I was a disgrace and saying that my daughter is a mistake."
"We're sorry okay we made a mistake."
"Yeah but when I made a mistake you didn't except me, so now get out before I make people escort you out".
I see my parents walk away in shame and then Beth starts to cry.
"Don't cry Beth, mommy loves you and will always protect you".

Finn's POV
I'm kind of disappointed that we didn't win regionals, but we did get to add a new member to the new directions. I'm so happy I'm the godfather. I hope Rachel and I will have kids one day. I would love to have little Rachel's running around the house.

Speaking of Rachel, there she is walking down the hall in her Cheerios uniform. Even though she is the most popular girl in school, we somehow make a great couple. Junior year's almost over and summer is approaching.
The glee club is going to Rachel's lake house for a summer party and I'm really excited.

Rachel's POV
Yay! It's almost summer. It's the final glee club meeting of the year. This summer we're all going to my lake house to just relax and have fun. Even though we didn't win regionals this year, I still feel like I've won. I mean I have Finn and everyone else in my life that makes me feel like a winner. I know I'm getting all sappy but it's true.😂

Mr shue starts to write something on the board? And it says "goodbye".
"You guys already know that I'm leaving this summer to be in a Broadway musical, so I'm gonna sing to you". He then grabs a stool and puck grabs one too and he sings ,"somewhere".
I started to tear up as I leaned on Finn's chest.

When he finishes we all go up to him and give him a big hug. I guess that's the end of junior year. Senior year here we come!

Just friends?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon