Are we together?

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Finn's POV
Ever since Rachel told me she's pregnant I haven't been able to sleep or eat. I don't know what I'm going to do, I can't be a dad. I decided that I'm gonna go to NYU to get an engineering degree.

I'm also really excited that Rachel's gonna have my baby. I still don't know where we stand considering our relationship, but yesterday night she told me to sleep in her bed with her.
I'm gonna ask her about it today.

"Good morning rach."
"What's up with you, you're never awake this early and if you are you're grumpy."
"What? Pftt...."
"Admit it, you want something so spill."
"Are we together? Like more than friends again."

"Well uh" and with that she ran into her room and locked the door.
"Rachel open this door, we need to talk about this."
The door slightly opened then I see her blank faced on the bed.
"So are we?"
"I mean if you want to be or we don't have to be because it could just be awkward but-"
I cut her off by slamming my lips into her's.

"Rachel berry, will you be my girlfriend?"
"Hmmm let me think about it.... Of course I will!"

The whole day we spent watching movies and cuddling. It was probably the best day of my life. Great, now I'm sounding like a girl.

We both told our parents and they were surprisingly okay with it. I think my mom and Kurt were the most excited because my wants a grandchild and Kurt wants to dress the kid. And if I have a son, there is no way I'm letting him put Marc Jacobs on my child.

Tomorrow is our first gynecologist appointment, so we're pretty excited. (Skipping to tomorrow.)

"Hey you ready?" Rachel asks me.
"More ready than I'll ever be."
We got to the place and the called out our names," mr. And mrs. Hudson?"
She smirked at me and whispered," really?"
I just winked at her and we followed the lady to our room.

The doctor finally came in and she started to run tests in Rachel. "I'm gonna but this gel on your stomach, it might be a little cold."
She started to move the machine around and there we saw a little blob on the screen.

"This is your baby" I held Rachel's hand and I let a few years slip from my eye. Rachel was basically about to drown the place when we heard the heart beat.
"So how many sonograms would you like?"
"Okay let's see, Kurt, Santana, my parents, your parents, Quinn, and puck. So 8 please."
Rachel and I wanted to each have our own pictures.

The lady came in and gave us our photos and u put mine in my wallet along with a picture of Rachel and I. I know what I want to do now. I'm gonna ask Rachel to marry me.

Just look at Kurt in the picture.😂

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