Why did you leave?

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{continuing from last chapter}
Finn's POV
Puck sang "Beth" to Beth and it was the sweetest thing. I can't believe how big she's gotten. She's 7 years old about to turn 8.
Rachel finally returned and just sat in the back with Quinn.

"Finn if you're still up for it after that amazing performance you can go."
"I think we should take this to the auditorium"
I say with a smirk. Kurt just whispers to me," what are you up to?"
"You'll see"

We get to the auditorium and I whisper to all the guys my plan including Kurt.
Kurt made Rachel sit in the center chair, which was part of my plan.
"So this song is for someone I love."
I begin to sing "keep holding on" and the guys join me in the middle of it and we do the same moves we did for Quinn and puck.

Rachel just starts to cry and I grab her hand at the end of the song.
"What did you think Finn? That you could come back after FIVE YEARS, and tell me that you love me? If you loved me then you would've never left. I can forgive you for many things I forgave you for leaving for the army I forgave you for leaving me, but I will never forgive you for leaving Lily." And with that she left. I was so crushed that I hurt her that bad.

We all left without saying a word and I asked Kurt for Rachel's number. He reluctantly gave it to me and I texted Rachel.
"Meet me in our place".
"Finn not now, please just leave me alone."
"No, just give me one more chance to explain myself."
"You won't regret this."
"I hope I won't."

We meet by the lake in a meadow where we used to come and just escape all of our problems.
"Hey." I start.
"Why'd you leave?" She asks bluntly.
"I don't know, I wanted to redeem my father and make you proud but I was also scared about being a father."

"If you were scared we could of gotten through this, I could've of helped you."
"I know and it was stupid I just wanted a better life for you and Lily."
"Finn, by leaving you made it worse, I needed you Finn and you weren't there!"

"Please, just let me see her." I could tell she was debating in her mind.
"Fine, but this doesn't mean I forgive you and when I do, we are friends nothing more."
I was sad that she said "just friends" but I was happy that I get to meet Lily.

We drive to her house( by the way Rachel lives in Lima now to raise Lily after she was on Broadway) and when I see Lily I just freeze. "Who's that mommy?"
"Um this is my old friend, Finn Hudson."
"Oh well, nice to meet you mr. frankenteen."
Wait a minute did my own child just call me frankenteen? Santana. I'll talk to her later.

"Lily that wasn't very nice, say you're sorry" Rachel says.
"I'm sorry mister, I heard auntie San, call a person named Finn Hudson that."
Man, for a five year old she is pretty smart and her vocabulary is amazing.

I mutter "Santana's such a bit*ch"
Rachel heard me and hits my chest.
"Sorry" I whisper back.
Then Rachel cooks some dinner and she makes spaghetti.

"My favorite" Lily and I say.
Rachel just laughs. I love it when she laughs.
I took a sip of my water when Lily asks," do you know who my daddy is?"
I almost choke and Rachel just gives me a panicked look.

"Lily, why don't you go to bed" Rachel suggests.
"But, mommy he might know where my daddy is." She says with a pouty face. It just breaks my heart to not tell her I'm her father.
"Go to bed and I'll sing to you".
"Oooo yay, can mr. Hudson sing too?" She asks with sparkles in her eyes.

I cut Rachel off by saying," of course I can sweetie now let's go". She grabs my hand and we go to her room.
we sing "faithfully" and she falls right asleep. I give her a kiss on the head as I leave.

"So do you want to tell her that I'm her father?"
"I don't know and I can't keep lying to her"
"Then let's tell her."
"Okay, I guess she deserves to know who her father is." Rachel says reluctantly.
"Okay, goodnight rach"
"Goodnight Finn"
I give her a kiss on the cheek and she just looks surprised. I'm getting my family back together.

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