We are endgame

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Finn's POV
Today is the day in proposing to Rachel! I called everyone to come to Lima because there was one certain place I would like to propose. Rachel just thinks we're going on a trip to Lima to visit mr. Shue.

"You ready to go rach?"
"Yeah, I am let me just get Lily and the baby bag, are you sure she'll be okay with flying, because we don't have to go."
"What, no she'll be fine, come on let's go."

That was such a lie though. Lily cried for an hour and people were giving us dirty looks. When we got off the plan there was mr. Shue with Emma and Daniel.
"Hey guys, how are you?"
"Oh we're good, Lily just cried like the whole time but we missed you." Rachel says while hugging mr. Shue.

"I missed you too Rachel, now let's go home."
We decided to stay at my parent's place for a few days and her parents for a few days. I mean they're right next to each other.

We knocked on the door and I see my mom almost crying cause she saw lily.
"Hi carole, would you like to meet your grandchild?"
"Of course come in."

"Oh wow she looks so much like you Rachel."
"Yeah, she does" I say.
"Man, you two are growing up so fast, I remember when you both were Lilly's age."
"Yeah, it is hard to believe that we used to have mud fights and now we have a baby." Rachel says and I just laugh thinking about the past.

"So Rachel, Mr. Shue is holding a glee club meeting after school, do you want to go?"
"Sure, that would be fun, I haven't seen them in awhile."
"Okay let's go right away." I say grabbing her hand.
"But Finn we just got here?"
"That's why we have to leave now."

Rachel's POV
Finn grabs my hand and I pick up Lily.
"Bye, Carole, sorry we can't catch up now."
"Oh no worries dear I'll see you soon"
What does she mean by that? Oh well
I thought.

We got to the school and I see all the old new directions here and I was a little confused.
"Santana, Kurt, I though you were in New York."
"Uh well we changed our minds and we went anyways."
"Okay" I say suspiciously.

Mr. Shue comes in the room and has a marker in his hand ready to write on the board. That brings back so many memories. I clench Finn's hand and he smiles.
Then mr. Shue writes something and I was a little taken back.
He wrote "Rachel."

"Today, we're gonna honor Rachel and all the now things she's done, so if you have a song you want to sing feel free to come up."
Mr. Shue says and I just start to blush like crazy.

"I do" Kurt says.
"Rachel, I'm so glad we became best friends, you understand me like no one else does, we share a love of Broadway, and singing, people may forget the sacrifices you make for the people you love, I love you so much diva, this is for you."
He sings "for good" from wicked, because they sand that when they snuck into the Broadway theatre.

I go up and hug him. "I love you too Kurt."
"Okay, now it's my turn lady Hummel." Santana says. Kurt rolls his eyes and we both sit Down.
"Rachel, you make me a better person, I may be a bit*ch all the time, but for you I'd do anything, like even except that you're in love with frankenteen. So this is for you B"
Finn just glares at her and I just laugh.

Her and Britt sing "Valerie" while jake and mike dance. "Wow that was wonderful, thank you guys."
Then it was Finn's turn.
"This is for you rach."
He gives me a bouquet of lilies and I'm confused.

He starts to sing "your song" and I start to look like a mess. Dang you Finn.
At the end of the song he starts to say something.
"Rachel Berry, you are one of a kind that's for sure. You're my best friend and lover, and for some bizarre reason, you chose me as the one you love. I used to think it could never happen between us because you were the head cheerleader with the bitc*hy friend.( Santana gives him a death glare) and I was the nerd that  got thrown in dumpsters, but you were the one that pulled me out, you were the one that stood up for me when no one else would. That is why you're the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with, so Rachel Barbara Berry will you marry me?" He says kneeling down opening a small black box to reveal a ring.

"Yesss! I will marry you Finn Hudson!"
I yell giving him a passionate kiss.
He slips the ring on me and I just feel complete.

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