Taking it slow..... Or so i thought.

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Rachel's POV
Ever since that car ride home Finn and I have been dating. I told him that we had to take things slow but honestly, I regret saying that. I love him so much and I just want us to be a family.

I mean we have a child for god sake. I'm gonna ask him to move in with Lily and I.
"Hey baby" he said giving me a kiss.
"Hey, so we need to talk." He looked nervous and I can tell he thinks I'm gonna break up with him, so why not mess with him a little?

"Finn, it's me not you"
"Rachel ,please don't do this" he says about to cry.
"Don't worry Whiney pants it was a joke."
"What? You made me feel so vulnerable, how could you?" He says with hurt in his eyes.

"I actually wanted to ask you to move in but if you don't it's fine." I say dangling a pair of keys. He grabs the keys and attacks me with kisses.
"Don't you ever scare me like that again."
"Don't worry I'm all yours."

Lily was at school so we had a little "fun".
"I love you" I say as I rub circles on his chest.
"I love you too."
"Now let's get dressed before Santana comes by to drop off Lily."

"No, please just stay here with me a little."
"Okay, 5 minutes Hudson."
He wrapped his arms around me and then we finally got dressed, I didn't have time to redo my makeup and hair so I still looked like a mess when I answered the door.

"Hey b, Finn, here's your child"
"Wait a minute did you just call me by my real name."
Knowing Santana there must be a catch.
"Oh I'm just saying something nice before the next thing I say". She has a smirk.
"Lily why don't you go in your room" Finn suggests.

"Okay daddy."
"So what did you guys just do?" She says wiggling her eyebrows.
"Oh um nothing eventful." I say trying to cover up the fact about what we just did.
"Are you sure it's uneventful because it seems like you two did the nasty because your hair and makeup is messed up and I see a gigantic hickey on finnyboy over here." Oh great, another thing for her to make fun of.

I just blush and Finn does as well.
Then we hear Lily come back. Thank god she didn't hear any of our conversation because I don't want to explain the topic of sex to a five year old.

Finn's POV
When Santana started opening her gigantic trap I knew she was gonna say something sexual so I made Lily go in her room. Of course, she says something inappropriate but then she has a serious face.

"Can we talk Rachel?" She said and Rachel just nods.
I listen in on their conversation, I know it's wrong but I just wanted to know.
"Rach, Britt cheated on me" she said and then I heard crying.
"It's okay San, you're welcome to stay here?"
"Thanks, that means a lot".

Santana's POV
I know that's squishy tits was listening in on our conversation but I didn't care because I needed a place to live. I guess I'll be living in the Berry-Hudson household.

I wiped my tears and Rachel comforted me while she showed me my room.
"You and Finn didn't have sex in this bed right?"I say unwillingly.
"Uh sure"she said but I knew she was lying.
"Burn these sheets Rachel, burn them." I say seriously but she just laughs.

"Have fun" she says with a wink. I guess I'll go and buy new sheets cause there's no way I'm sleeping in their "fun" bed.

Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in awhile I was a little busy cause I went to Austin, anyways please comment suggestions below.

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