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Rachel's POV
I wake up and see everyone's still asleep so I decided to make breakfast. ( Rachel is not vegan btw.) I make some pancakes and bacon for everyone and then I go and wake everyone up.

"Wake up guys, we have to get ready for school"
"Ugh fine berry but only because you made breakfast and I'm hungry"
We all go downstairs and eat breakfast and get ready.
I drive everyone cause they are all tired. Kurt is basically drooling, but he still manages to wear fashionable clothing.

I walk into school with my zombie friends and I see Finn so I wrap my arms around his waist.

Finn's POV
I was talking to puck when all of a sudden I feel small arms wrap around my waist. I turn around and I see Rachel smiling really big.
"Hey baby I missed you" she says in a flirtatious voice.
"I missed you too baby" I smirk
"Okay guys, stop having eye sex in front of me".
Puck interrupts.

I give Rachel a quick hug before she walks off to talk to Santana and Brittany.
"So dude, who do you think is the father of Quinn's baby."
He starts to get all nervous, so I suspect something's up.

"Um I don't know, probably Sam Cause that's her boyfriend."
"Yeah, seems likely" I say in a suspicious voice
"Okay see ya later dude"

Puck's POV
I think Finns on to me about Quinn. I can't believe she's pregnant. We were drunk and careless when it happened. Has she told Sam?
Man, I'm such a douche.

I just sit in class and stared off into space until the bell rings. Finally, it's lunchtime. I have to go to the restroom first through. I all of a sudden hear someone vomiting in the girl's bathroom so I walk in. I made a peep hole last year to make sure no one's going before I go in.
"Hello? Is anyone there"

I open the last stall to see Quinn on the floor with her head in the restroom.
I rush to her side and rub circles on her back.
She then falls into my embrace and cries.
"What am I going to do puck?" Is all she manages to get out from her sobbing.

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