Here comes the bride

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Quinn's POV
Today is my wedding day and I'm getting married to the man of my dreams! My maid of honor will be Rachel and my bridesmaids will be the rest of the glee girls and Kurt.
We already found my dress and I think it's just perfection.

I've also rekindled my relationship with my mom, even though Rachel was a little skeptical at first. My dad is not coming though so Rachel's dad is gonna walk me down the isle.

The girls are getting me ready while puck is in the other room. I'm so nervous. I kind of just pace around the room until Rachel stops me.
"Hey, you're gonna do great, you're gonna walk down that isle and say your vows and you're gonna get married to the man you love."
"Yeah, I'm ready!" I kind of yell.

They open the church doors and Rachel and Finn walk down the isle first. Then the rest of the glee club walks down it's my turn. As Rachel's dad walks down the isle with me, I see Noah get emotional.

I finally get to the alter and Rachel's dad gives me a peck on the cheek.
We say our vows and I go first.
"I don't know what to say. Right now I'm standing here marrying the love of my life and the father of my child. Who knew we would end of this way. I remember when you used to be the biggest womanizer in town, now you're the sweetest man I know. I love you so much and with these rings we'll symbolize our love for each other."

"Lucy Quinn fabray, I never though I would be in love. That is until I met you. You changed me for the better. You are the one that makes me a better man. I promise to keep loving you and Beth, always provide for you, and always be truthful. I love you so much."

Blah blah blah," you may kiss your bride"
The priest says and puck dips me and kisses me passionately.
Now it's time for the reception!

"And now pronouncing mr and mrs puckerman."
We come out and everyone cheers and we sit at the table in front with Finn and Rachel. The first speech is Rachel's maid of honor speech.

"Wow Quinn, here I am at your wedding and we're seniors in high school. I remember when you used to torment me and call me names like manhands and hobbit. Though you still call me that it's all in good fun. I've seen you grow in to the woman you are today, by raising Beth and marrying puck. You are my best friend and I wish you and puck the best, love you Q"
I get up and hug her with tears in my eyes.

And now it's Finn's turn for the speech.
"Wow, how can I top that but let's just get on with my speech. Puck you're like my brother, we've had our fights and disagreements but we have each other's back no matter what. I'm so happy you've found joy in your life with Quinn and Beth. I just think I'll graduate, get married then have a kid. Not the other way around. I love you man, and I wish you the best in your life."
They give each other a bro hug and sit down.

"And it's now time for the bride and groom's first dance" Rachel says and we get up and puck takes my hand.
Rachel and Finn sing," we've got tonight"
It was so romantic.

Then it's time to throw the bouquet.
I throw it and Tina catches it, I think she might be in love with Artie.
Puck and I rush out into the limo and we're off to niagra falls for our honey moon. I'm just gonna miss Beth so much, but I know she's in good hands with Rachel.

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