Change of plans

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Finn's POV
I can't wait to go to Hawaii. We're in our hotel room about to get ready to go to the airport when I hear something fall.
I run to see what it is and it's Rachel.

"Rachel, please wake up. Please!" I yell cradling her in my arms. I call 911 and the paramedics come and take her away. The whole time there, I held her hand looking at her lifeless body.

They rush her to surgery and they make me wait here. I kick a few chairs before some nurses give me some sleeping pills.

When I finally wake up I yell for Rachel and my mom comes in with a tear stained face.
"Mom where's Rachel I need her I need her so badly." I say crying. She comes up and hugs me and I cry into her embrace.

Moment later the doctor comes in and I immediately ask about Rachel.
"How is she?" I say with a trembling voice.
"She's not doing so well Mr. Hudson. Her lungs collapsed so she fell. There's a chance for her to live though, we just need to get her a lung transplant. We couldn't do anything for the baby we're sorry sir."

My whole world came crashing down. My wife might die and my unborn baby died. I need to be strong for lily though. I can't even imagine how I'm gonna tell her.

The surgery is taking place right now and I'm super nervous. I keep thinking Rachel is strong she can handle this. She won't leave me.

{1 month later}
After Rachel got out of surgery I've been a mess. Between taking Lily to school going to work I just can't do this without her. I pray everyday that she'll come back to me but all she does is ly there lifelessly.

I walk into her room yet another day and I see a surprise.
"Hi Finn."
I go up to kiss her but she pulls away.
"What are you doing Finn?"
"Um I'm kissing you."
"We're just friends Finn I'm sorry I don't want to mess up our friendship."

My heart dropped as she said that. She does remember the last 7 years. She only sees us as friends. I go out to see my mom and Kurt with worried eyes.
"She doesn't remember."
"Oh Finn in so sorry it'll be okay."
"That's bull crap! It's not gonna be okay Rachel just thinks we're best friends not soulmate!"
"I'm sorry mom I just snapped. I'm breaking apart without her."

She went up to hug me and I once again cry. I see a petite brunette come out and hug me.
"Why are you crying Finn?"
"Oh um I'm okay, don't worry Rach."
"No,you're not I'm you're best friend now spill." She says with a serious face.

"I love you Rachel!" I blurt out and she just looked shocked. Dang I knew it was too soon.

Rachel's POV
I go out of my room to see Finn crying in Carole's arms. Me being worried I try to comfort him.
"Hey Finn, what's wrong?"
"I know there is now spill it."

"I LOVE YOU!" He yells and I'm shocked. I did the only normal thing there is to do. Runaway.

I'm just kidding I'm not normal. I jump into his arms and I see flashbacks of me doing that but I look younger. I realize I'm living in the wrong year. I see flashbacks of bringing a baby home and I see my Broadway debut. I see Finn. Finn Hudson and I getting married.

I kiss him softly on the lips and press my head on his forehead.
"I love you Rach."
"I love you too."

Then all of a sudden it hit me. Where's my baby?

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