Finally forever

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{3 months later}
Finn's POV
Today, I'm spending the day with the puck and Rachel is spending it with Quinn, Santana, Brittany, and Kurt. They're getting her ready for the wedding and we don't want to see each other before the wedding.

I'm so nervous and happy at the same time. Puck and I are going out for lunch.
"Hey dude, you ready to go out for the last time before you're married?"
"Yeah, I'm ready."
"So, how's married life puck?"
"It's honestly amazing, I though when you're tied down to just one girl it would be awful but with Quinn it's something I've never felt before. Dang, I'm starting to grow a vagina."

I chuckle slightly and he punches me in the arm.
" at least I'm not whipped like you." Puck said
"Hey, I'm not whipped. I just like to let her know where I am and besides I get laid way more than you."

He rolls his eyes and we finish our lunch. He tells me that Quinn's pregnant again. I can't believe how grown up he is now. I remember when he used to bang every chick in school. Well except Rachel of course.

Rachel's POV
Tonight's my wedding and I'm really nervous. The girls and Kurt are spending the day with me because Finn and I don't want to see each other before the wedding. Lily is with a Carole and Burt and she is also gonna be the flower girl surprisingly. Considering what happens last time, Beth and Daniel are not gonna sit by each other.

Oh and I'm also 4 months pregnant. My bump is noticeable but not that big. I can't believe I'm having another child. We told Lily about it and she said she hopes it's a boy because she wants to be the only girl. So fingers crossed it's a boy, not that I don't want a girl, I just think it'll be hard on Lily.

Quinn is about 2 and a half months pregnant but her bump is not really noticeable. For my dress I got a gold/ivory color, although it's not traditional like Kurt wanted but I wanted my wedding to be original.

It also hides my bump so that's just a plus. We are at a spa right now getting our nails done and having massages.
"Mmmmm I love me some massages!" Santana says while in pleasure.
"So you exited for tonight ms Berry soon to be Hudson?" Quinn says politely.

"Yeah, I'm just kind of nervous but I'm certainly not doubting this."
"Well that's good, cause I can't wait for you to be my sister inlaw. Kurt squeals.
"Yeah, me too."

We go back to the house and they start to do my makeup and hair.
"So what kind of look do you want for your big day?" Santana asks.
"Umm do it very natural, because Finn liked it natural."

"You're wish is my command" Santana playfully bows and I laugh.
She starts to layer on the makeup while Kurt is curling my hair in to big sexy waves.

{skipping to arrival at the church}
"It's beautiful!" Kurt says as he looks into the church.
"Yeah, I'm ready to be mrs. Hudson."
I'm kind of sad because my own dad couldn't make it to MY wedding. What kind of father is he? He rather be on a business trip than his own daughter's wedding?

My mom is here though. Which is all a bride needs is to see her mother smiling to her as you stand at the alter. Burt is walking me down the isle because he basically is like my dad.
"Ready to go Rachel?"
"I was born ready" I say and link his arm to mine.

We enter the church doors and everyone begins to stand up as I enter. Then I see him. Only him. I want to spend the rest of my life with this man. Even though Santana, Kurt, and puck are there, all I see is Finn.

We arrive at the alter and Burt kisses my cheek. "We are gathered here today to honor the marriage of Finn Hudson and Rachel Berry."
{don't know the rest, so skipping to the vows}

"Rachel Barbara Berry, without you I'm not whole. You make me feel complete. You show me what it takes to be a man. We've had our ups and downs but we still managed to make it through. People may say when we were in high school, we would fall in love because that's every cliche, but I never saw it coming. I never realized we were best friends in love."

Right about now I was bawling because of his speech.
"Finn Christopher Hudson, i love you more than anything in this universe. You know me like no one else does. I think about 10 years ago we were about 15 and I actually had a big crush on you. You were the tall, sweet, dorky nerd that I fell in love with. Even though we've both have changed over the years, to me, you'll always be that awkward 15 year old boy with the high iq." He chuckles and wipes a tear from my face.

"By state of Lima, Ohio I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss your bride."
Finn dips me and we share a passionate kiss. This was probably one of the best days of my life. You may be wondering why it's not the best? Well one of those glory days has to be when our Lily was born.

{to the reception}
"Rachel Berry, you are a character all right, I remember when I used to tell jocks to throw finnessa over here in the dumpsters. Yeah, you heard me right, and I'm sorry. Rachel, you made me a better person, you believe the best in everyone. Even me. I'm glad to call you my best friend, and I hope you and frankendad have a great rest of your life." Santana says and I hug her while Finn just sits there shocked that Santana said something nice. With a twist of mean of course.

Then, puck walks up and takes the microphone.
"Hey, bro, remember when I was the one that put you in those dumpsters? Good times, just kidding. You've stuck by me through everything even though I've been a complete ass to you. You and Rachel were perfect for each other and you know how I know that? It's because Kurt tells me all the time that you guys go at it like rabbits. Thank you for your time." He smirks and walks away.

Finn's POV
Rachel and I look totally embarrassed. Then it's our first dance. I take Rachel's hand and mr. Schue sings as we slow dance to the music.
"I love you so much mrs. Hudson."
"I love you too mr. Hudson."
The song ends and then it's time to throw the bouquet.

"For all you lonely single ladies out there, please come to the dance floor." Santana exclaims. Women hoot and holler.
Rachel throws it back and it lands into Mercedes hands.

Finally, it's time for our honeymoon. I can't wait to go to Hawaii!

Hey guys! I just started school so it'll be harder to update, but I'm almost done with the book. Please comment if you want a sequel?¿

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