Don't go breaking my heart❤️

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Rachel's POV
Sectionals are coming up and mr shue said he'll do anything for us to win. He's even started up a booty camp for people who need help with dancing. Aka one Finn Hudson. I love him but that boy can not dance.

"Step right, step left, now turn" mr. Shue instructs us. I see Finn having a hard time so I'll probably just talk to him about it later.
"Okay guys practice, and we'll be guaranteed  to win sectionals".

I walk up to a sweaty Finn and say," hey baby, what's wrong?"
"Oh uh nothing" I know he's lying.
"Okay first of all that's not true now tell me what's up?"
"You want to know what's up? What's up is we're gonna be split apart from each other when I go to Boston and you go to New York!" He yells.
"We can make it work though" I say slightly caressing his cheek.
"No! We can't long distance relationships never work we might as well just break up now!" He say angrily.
"Fine! Okay I was thinking nothing can split us up than you go all negative on me, and now you wanna break up? Well you your wish came true Finn cause we're done!"
"Wait rach!"
I run out of the auditorium and into the girls bathroom and text Quinn and Santana.

Rachel: hey, emergency meet me in the girls bathroom.
Q&S: okay, are you okay?
Rachel: I'll explain when you get here.

"Rach" Quinn calls
I just run into their arms and just start crying.
"Hey, it's okay rach please don't cry" Santana says comforting me.
"Finn- and -I broke up" is all I managed to get out.
"Oh I'm gonna go all Lima heights on his sorry as*!"
She then storms out and into the choir room, interrupting mr. Shue.

Santana's POV

"Hey lumps, what did you do to my Rachel huh. Oh I know what. You broke her heart, now I'm gonna go all Lima heights on you"
I start to charge at him and I got one punch in before mr. Shue could pull me off of him.
"NO ME GUSTA" I yell at him.
Finn just holds his swollen eye. My hand is hurting so bad but it was worth it.

Mr. Shue takes Finn and I to mr. Figgins office.
"It wasn't my fault I have this other personality that comes out when I get angry so you can't really blame me, blame snix."
"You young lady are on a warning but if I see this type of action again, you and this "snix" will be suspended".
"Ugh, whatever" and I just charge out of the room.

I went to find Quinn and Rachel, so I go into the bathroom.
"Hey guys" I say with a guilty face.
"Woah what happened to your hand" Quinn asks pointing at my hand with a ice pack.
"Oh um I kind of got really mad so I punched Finn in the face."

"Santana, I told you not to hurt him".
"I'm so sorry but hear me out. I don't like seeing you hurt Rachel especially if you're crying over lumps or some other d- bag. I was just trying to protect you. Can you please forgive me?" I say walking closer.

"Of course I can now come give me a hug you whack job."
All three of us just hug it out and we go back to Rachel's house to eat ice cream and watch the notebook.
Then the doorbell rings so I go up and get it. When I see who it is I close the door.
"Santana open the door, I wanna see her".
"No, you've already done enough damage you idiot".

"Well I have a black eye thanks to you so you owe me."
"Ughhh fine, but if I even see one tear come from her eye, you're out of here and I'll make you have two black eyes".
I open the door to see Finn with a bouquet of roses.

"Thank you"
"Um, she's upstairs with Quinn."
He runs up the the stairs and I quietly follow.

Finn's POV
I'm such a jerk. I hate myself for what I did to Rachel. I guess I was just stressed and worried about the future.
I open the door to see a tear stained Rachel in her cute little pajamas eating a carton of rocky road ice cream.

"Finn, what do you want, and what happened to your eye?" She says in a quiet tone.
"Well I'm here to apologize and Santana happened to my eye."
I hear her giggle a little bit and that just makes me smile. I take her hand and start apologizing.
"Rach, I'm so so sorry. I know you're not gonna forgive me that easily but I was just so nervous and stressed about the future that I lost track of what's happening right now. You and me are soul mates and no matter what I will always love you. So will you take me back?"
She just sits there blank eyed. Then as I lose hope, I feel her crash her lips into mine.

"I love you so much rach."
"You're okay I guess".
"You know you love me"
"Yeah, you can think whatever makes you you sleep at night." She smirks.
"Oh really? How does this make you feel" I kiss her passionately.
"I love you too finnegan"
"Hey, don't call me that."
"Why not finnegan?"
"Okay, you're gonna pay."
I start to tickle her and she just laughs uncontrollably.

Then we hear Quinn and Santana come in.
"So I'm guessing you don't need us here anymore."
Quinn says with a smile.
"Yeah, I'll be fine."
Then Santana comes really close to me and grabs the collar of my shirt.
"Listen whale, and listen real good, if you ever hurt Rachel again I'll chop your balls off or I'll make you blind. I'll be generous and let you have a choice."
Then Santana just walks off and says," bye berry and lumps the clown"

"Why are you even friends with her" I say jokingly.
"I don't know she has a certain sassy attitude I like" she says laughing.
"Oh okay, well if she cuts my balls off we won't be able the have any kids."
"It'll be fine, just don't go breaking my heart"

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