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Finn's POV
Sectionals is coming up and Quinn is already 4 months pregnant. Puck doesn't want her to dance but we need 12 members to compete so she's just gonna dance in the background.
For our set list, Rachel and I are singing "I just can't stop loving you", then Santana is singing "Valerie", and our last song is " man in the mirror".

Rachel and I have been doing great but I feel bad cause I've been distant lately because I'm  working to get Rachel a surprise.
I hope she likes it because I'm so in love with this girl.

Rachel's POV
Everything's going great. Sectionals are coming up, Quinn's morning sickness stopped, we won nationals for the Cheerios, but one thing has been really bugging me. Finn has been so distant lately. It's like he disappeared.
I really hope he's not cheating on me because if he was I'd be devastated.

*I'm skipping to sectionals*
The competition is pretty fierce. We're up against the warblers and vocal adrenaline. Only one of us are going to regionals, and we've never lost sectionals.
First up is Finn and i's duet and I think we nailed it. We walk off the stage hand and hand. Then, Santana comes on stage and sings "Valerie" while Brittany and mike dance.

Finally out last number and Finn steps into the spotlight and soon Artie, puck, Sam, and Blaine join him. It's the results and I'm shaking Finn sees me shaking so he holds me in his arms.

"And the winner of the show choir sectional is....... From McKinley highschool, the new direction!"
We all scream and hug each other and Finn asks me to meet him behind the stage. I hope he's not breaking up with me.

"So Rachel, I know I've been distant lately, but it's for a good reason. I took up extra hours at burt's tire shop to pay for this." He takes out a ring and I just stand there shocked.

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