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Finn's POV
Tonight, Rachel is coming over for dinner so we can tell our parents(and Kurt) that we're dating. I mean they would obviously approve because our moms used to always nag us about dating.

I hear the door bell ring and I open it to see Rachel in a beautiful dress and her parents, Shelby and Leroy.
" hi Finn, how are you?"
"I'm good, come in". I say motioning for them to come.
"Hi Carole and Burt", Rachel says politely.
"Oh hi sweetie, come sit down".my mom says
Rachel sits down across from my mom and Burt and I sit down next to Rachel.
"So Finn, what did you want to tell us".
"Umm Rachel and I are dating now!"

My mom squeals and hugs Rachel so tight she can't breathe.
"Omg, I knew this would happen someday, pay up Shelby."
"Uh your mom and I made a bet when you first became friends, it was if you guys were gonna date you junior year or senior year."
"How much did you bet on us", Rachel asks suspiciously
"Um, mumbles $100".

"Wow" Rachel and I just start laughing while I see Kurt instantly post a tweet that says, "it's official FINCHEL is finally dating".
I get a notification about the tweet and say," really Kurt?"

"What? I got excited and I'm a hardcore finchel shipper."
"Okay kurt" I say with laughter
My mom interrupts us by saying," Shelby you still haven't paid me my 100$"
I see Shelby roll her eyes and then she gives my mom the money.

"Okay, well I'm happy for you guys and I did not participate in this bet your mother and Shelby had". Leroy explains
"It's fine, I kind of think it's funny". I say and Rachel just giggles.
I think she's adorable when she giggles like that.

The dinner ends and Rachel gives me a peck on the cheek and leaves.
I can't wait to see her tomorrow. I get out my phone to send her a text.

Finn- goodnight rach , missing you already.😘

Rachel: goodnight finny, love you and miss you.

Finn: love you too

Authors note
So sorry that it's short, I'll update tomorrow. Please comment to give me any ideas or feedback.

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