I'm positive, she loves me.

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Finn's POV
Rachel has been acting really weird lately. Should I talk to her about it? I guess I'll just brush it off because I don't want to get into a fight about it on Lily's birthday.

I'm kind of sad Lily is growing up because I missed her first steps and first word. I regret so much in life but the thing I regret most was leaving. I'm pretty sure in the future, Lily will ask me why I missed 5 years of her life.

I got her a special present and I think she'll love it. Her personality is like a mix of Rachel and i's. She's bubbly and sweet like Rachel and she loves old school rock like me. Rachel thinks it's a phase and she'll soon love Broadway music but the truth is, when Rachel was pregnant I put on some classic rock while she slept.

I know Lily will love my present.
I get snapped out of my thoughts when Lily comes into our bedroom and jumps on our bed.
"Guess what day it is?"
"Hmmm I don't know, some little girl's birthday" Rachel said to her with a smirk.
"Me! It's my birthday."

"Come here sweetheart." I say giving her a kiss on the head.
We go into the kitchen to find Kurt and Santana.
"did you guys break in?"
"Yup, and it wasn't that hard considering you hide a key under your doormat." Santana has a evil grin and I just glare.

"What are you even doing here?"
"Well, Santana bet me $20 that she could break into your house, oh and happy birthday my favorite niece."
"I'm your only niece uncle Kurt."
"Exactly" he says with a wink.

Then, Santana hands Lily an envelope. "Open it up and read it out loud".
"okay auntie San."
"It says happy birthday to the best kid I know raised by the biggest dorks I know."
"Thank you auntie" she says giving her a big hug, I also realized there was money in there, dang she's good.

"Oh and Lily here's my gift" Kurt says handing her a big box.
"Oooooo goodie!"
She furiously ripped it apart and then there was a pink dress in it.
"Wow, this is so pretty how'd you get this?"
"Oh I just made it, no big deal!" He said and out his arms out.

"Thank you, I'm gonna go change!"
She runs into her room as fast as she can.
"Nice card Santana" I say with a stern look.
"Oh don't get your oversized panties in a twist, it was a joke but to be honest it is true. You two had the highest SAT scores and were tied for valedictorian."

"Yeah, but I was also head cheerio, so Finn what's your excuse?" Rachel said interrupting the conversation.
"Umm I was dating the head cheerio." I say and I grab her waist and she squeals.
"Guys, not here I'm trying to eat." Kurt says while he takes a bite of his toast.

We just kind of shyly look away. Rachel giggles a little and it's adorable. I love her laugh and smile. But then that smile fades and she rushes to the bathroom.
Then I hear her throwing up. I rush to her side and rub circles on her back.

"are you okay?"
"Yeah, I probably just ate something bad."
"Okay, well I'm gonna go welcome guest to Lily's party, are you sure you're gonna be okay?"
"I'll be fine" she said but something seems suspicious about her.

Rachel's POV
Oh no. No no no no. I'm late. I quickly text Santana.
Rachel: please go to the pharmacy and buy me some tests.
Santana: oh my god are you pregnant? Oh wait never mind stupid question, I'm leaving right now don't worry.

I pace around me room. What if Finn leaves again? I can't raise two kids at once.i guess I have to tell him but what if he gets angry. How will Lily react?

Santana comes rushing through the door so no one will catch her with the pregnancy tests.
"Here, I got the best money can buy" she says proudly.
"Thanks, I owe you one"
"Don't worry you let me stay here so this is me repaying you."
"Okay, I'll be right back."

I go into the bathroom and take the test. Then I just wait. And wait. And wait. This felt like a million years. Finally, it's time and Santana comes barging.
"So did you pee?"
"Yeah" I rolled my eyes.
"I can't look you check." I say closing my eyes.
She grabs the stick from my hand.
"So, what is it."
"You're.............. Pregnant."
"No, this can't be happening Finn can't leave again." I scream but Santana tries to calm me down.
"It'll be okay Rachel, it'll be okay."
She hugs me tight as I just helplessly fall into her arms (pezberry ;).

I finally fix myself up and we go out there.
"Hey Rachel, where have you been?"
"Oh, just around."
"Well, you're just in time for presents." He said excitedly.

"Okay, let's go."
We saw Lily and she was ripping up wrapping paper. She's so cute. First, Beth gave her a new doll and then Carole and Burt gave her a trampoline.I think Finn gave her the best gift. It was a new drum set. She was really excited about that. The rest of the glee club was all money and Santana and Kurt already gave her their gifts.

Sadly, my parents couldn't come because there in Europe. I mean missing their grandchild's birthday? I just hope I don't miss any of Lily's birthdays like they did.

"Finn, can we talk in private."
"Sure, what's up?"
"I'll tell you soon."

Finn's POV
Rachel is really scaring me. She says we need to talk so this must me serious.

"Um how would you feel if I'm pregnant?"
"You're pregnant?" I ask surprisingly.
"I knew you would be mad, please don't leave" she said with tears. I pull her into my embrace and she starts sobbing.

"This is a blessing Rachel, I'm not going anywhere."
"You promise?"

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