The Senju Saga (Part 4/?) #PimpDaddy

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_(n)_ walked covering her face. Madara was next to her trying to at least stop his hand from clutching hers. Tobirama was in front of them. His attire was a bit on the flashy side. But then again. Everyone knew who Tobirama was.
The couple jumped seeing strange looking women run to him.
Madara looked down at _(n)_ " this normal...?" "....I'm not sure....."

" yes yes~ daddy is right here~" Tobirama smirked while getting the money from the *cough* prostitutes *cough*

_(n)_ felt her eye twitched none stop ' what happened when I was gone!!!?' Madara had a wtf expression seeing about 70 women around him. Yet more came.
Tobirama turned to them making both twitch " bitches. This is my dearest. _(n)_" he pointed at the girl" and that over there." He pointed at Madara making the male twitch " that there is my new hoe."

"PFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!" Madara had no color while a vein appeared on his forehead. _(n)_ was smiling while fire appeared on the background seeing the women around Madara.
Tobirama smiled evilly seeing Madara freaking out' HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!'
"" _(n)_ clutched her hands tightly. The man turned and froze.

*ambulance noises*

_(n)_ walked with puffed cheeks. Madara twitched being drag from his shirt collar ' I didn't do anything !!' He anime cried while having a bump on his head. Meanwhile Tobirama was being drag by his fluffy coat calmly. He had a sour expression while a bump was on his head.
Both looked at one an other then looked straight.

"Where are we going ?"


"O'y your grandpa is talking to yah."


"Where are we going , sugar ?"

" to a dinner."

Madara smirked at Tobirama making the albino glared dangers at him. 'SUGAR!!!??????''

Tobirama sat with his arms crossed. They had to put three tables to gather for the many women that sat with him. _(n)_ hugged Madara's arm close eyeing the many females 'hmp....not what I had in mind...'  The Uchiha blinked twice that's when he saw an specific Black haired man glaring dangers outside the dinner "........"


Tobirama blinked calmly glaring at Madara while the many females around him giggle or snuggles closer to him. Madara was glaring at him irritated while he scooted closer to his woman.

A delicate hand was placed on the albinos shoulder. "Oy. What's did i....." He froze seeing the pale skin color"........." He looked up twitching. Izuna smiled widely while having a bat with nails " what's this. You never told you had so many hoes." The Uchiha opened his eyes showing red demonic looking ones " maybe we should clean this trash. " he looked at all of them with a disgust expression.

The wind blew making Tobirama twitch seeing all the women outside frighten. Izuna smiled happily " that's way better."

Madara blinked " HA HA !!!" He longed laughing at the albino. _(n)_ face palmed ' seriously.....'
Izuna was sitting next to the albino happily. Tobirama was looking to the side trembling while being wrapped in chains "......" Madara was smiling evilly ' he he!' But twitched feeling the leash on his collar moved a bit."..........."

Both enemies sat gloomily while _(n)_ and Izuna talked happily with each other.

Madara slammed on the futon with a depress aura ' I don't like it here.......' _(n)_ blinked looking down at him " are you okay....?" She sat down placing the tray with tea on the floor. Madara looked at her ".......................I'm stressed...." " here then..." She smiled getting the tea cup. "No.....I'm stressed !" He hide his face again with blush marks appearing . _(n)_ blinked and smiled while her face turned red ".......oh.........." "Mhm............."


". . . . . . . . . . . . ."

_(n)_ blinked looking back at the paper door seeing the lights off"......" She turned back looking down at the Uchiha male while putting the tea down"...." Madara blinked twice seeing himself rolled ' eh.......' He looked to the side seeing _(n)_ looking down at him " . . . . ? . . " he kept a confuse expression. The woman sigh blushing ' this man is such an idiot at times...' She looked at him smiling. Madara blinked confuse. His eyes slowly widen feeling something. Something good. That made his eye twitch none stop while his once confuse expression turned to a surprised one.
(。・ω・。) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I don't even know what I wrote this and the 3rd was a bit weird....
(\\>艸<\\\)lol !

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