Bless us...

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Today my and u came home from getting a slice of pizza. She was trying to park in our drive way. "Say a prayer, Kayla" She said. "Okay" I said as I
started my prayer. "God, help mom with this parking...and bless this food...and bless the house...thank you for giving us this house" "I think the cat is saying 'she can't do that'" mom said still sitting to park. "Well SHUT UP CAT I'M TRING TO SAY A PRAYER...okay so thank you for this food...bless this food...thank you for the sky...and these stray are awesome...the devil is a lie...and thank you for chicken...thank you for blessing my family and we can be fortunate enough to buy stuff...and--" Mom cut me off by saying. "Jeez, Kayla am I that bad...we already parked" "THE DEVIL IS A LIE" I yelled.

Then I ate pizza for dinner.

True StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora