TDA Sleepover Hide and Seek of HORROR

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Before you read
TDA stands for Tiffany Dance Academy...that's basically
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One day, the troop members of TDA were having a sleep over. I was expecting to have something crazy in one moment and then that would be it, but NO. One crazy moment went to the next. So anyway, we are crazy people (not psychopaths, just silly) so we can do crazy things. We played hide and seek...IN THE DARK...(dun dun dun) I hid in what looks to be the family room, behind the table laying down. It took a while before someone actually went in the room I was hiding in. One of the girls in my age division, Courtney was standing in front of me. I jumped up and screamed in her face...I guess she didn't see me because I was right in front of her. I laughed my face off.
The first round was almost over we were looking for our last person hiding. It was a older girl named Bria. "Oh we can find Bria" Nicole said, "she's the tallest one" It took us forever. In between our search for Bria, we encountered Miss Tiffany's dad. He was wearing black and(not to be racist) had dark skin. Miss Tiff's dad was standing still in one place. Everyone surrounded him, not knowing who he was. Since he is a guy, I thought to myself, he has got to be Miss Tiffany's dad. Suddenly, "BOO" Miss Tiff's dad yelled. A few girls screamed. I'm surprised that anyone screamed.
We finally found Bria. It took a while. "I was in the corner of the living room, hiding behind the curtains" Bria complained. "And I was downstairs in the baby crib" Miss Tiffany said. "Oh, really" I said. I was lucky that I wasn't one of the first five. So I wasn't "it"
The next round was even more intense. I hid in the same place I did last time. I didn't know who was it. Nicole spotted me and I got up and went to the meeting point. (The meeting point is where you go when you get caught) A few seconds later, another older girl, Katie, went up to the meeting point. "Are you ready to play 'it'..." I asked. Katie sighed. "I guess so" she responded. Then the real people who were "it" came back down stairs and spotted me and Katie. "Oops" I said. We laughed and stayed at the meeting point. Later the group of girls went down in...the basement. It was pitch black down there. They were down there looking for other players. Nicole grabbed her phone on ran downstairs with them. Then she flashed her flash light under her chin and gave a creepy smile. The girls screamed. Nicole ran back upstairs and started to hide. One of the "it" people, Nya, was angry and stormed upstairs. Then she tried to choke me because she thought I was Nicole. Scariest. Thing. Ever.
Even later, a girl closer to my age, Emily, dropped her pillow, so I picked it up and tried to give it to her. The group of "it" people were in the kitchen. I stood next to Nya waiting until I can give Emily her pillow without scaring her. Instead Nya turned around and saw me with the pillow. She screamed and I jumped a bit. She pushed me back to the starting point.
Miss Tiff decided to stop the game because it was getting out of hand. I sighed in relief I wasn't going to be it.


Wow my tenth part...yyyyaaaaayyyy    .   .

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