I died Halloween Special

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Today, I went to TDA's Halloween party. Nothing really happened until after 6:30. The games began...
first we ran around the to do the first games objective. We had to take pictures/videos of some stupid things. Like take a picture of you hugging a stranger. There was a guy in the frozen yogurt place that we didn't know. So EVERYONE went to him. Thank god he is friendly.
Then we made fake money and we had to take a picture of someone parking the cashier of 7/11 with something within $1. Of corse we had real money.

Next some one in our team had to find a fake bug in what looked like liquid shat mixed with water. So... I ftucking had to do it because everyone in my team had allergies. It was disgusting. To the point I was spitting it out everywhere. I just wanted it out of my mouth. The foods that were mixed together was....

Chocolate Pudding
And anchovies...
Good thing I took off my costume. It was about $174 on Amazon.
Next my teammate had to face plant into a plate of whipped cream to find bubble gum.
Then another teammate and I had to smash a egg in our head. Some off them were boiled and other weren't.
Surprise, Surprise...they were all boiled. Our teacher is a savage.

Then we had a fish funeral for the dead fish that were suppose to be alive for the next event. I wish I can show you it... A teammate was suppose to use their feet to find marbles and place them into a cup that was if the other side of the backstreet behind the building. Don't worry it was safe. So why did I get the worst part...idk the world hates me. I might throw up later or tomorrow. Meh... All well.

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