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Last night, I had a late night in dance and my project was due today. I needed to eat so my family decided to help. They called me "Project Manager" because it was my project.

I know I should be doing my own project, but I wouldn't have been able to eat and finish it. So I told my parents what to do. They were painting the base and I wanted black and gray stripes. As I was about to start fixing my plate, my dad did this.

Me: *fixing my plate*

Dad: Kayla, do you want black and gray?

Me:... Still fixing my plate

Dad: Kayla

Me: hm?

Mom: She said black and gray

Dad: okay

Mom: then start painting

Dad: Kayla, do you want black and gray?

Me: Yea

Dad: Do you want black and gray strips?

Me: I said yea

Mom: I already said that she wanted black and gray

Dad: Okay

Mom: start painting

Dad: you starting painting

Mom: I am painting. Yuno what? I'm about to fire you

Dad: You can't because I am the assistant of the Project Manager

Mom: Well I'm going to fire you anyway

Dad: you can't

Mom: I can

Dad: can't

Mom: can

Me: *Dying of laugher*

Do I have to be the old lady around here? I guess so...

*Brings out Old Lady Kayla*

IN 1885HIII, I didn't look like this. I was in TRACK. NOW watch me run from this side of the room to the other side of the room and back 15 times in ten seconds. Ready, set, GOOOOOOOOO

*Moves like a snail*


What am I doing again?

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