Physic Vibes

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During religion, we had finished our test yesterday and we are getting the scores.
When the teacher was about to give out the (around the) forth test paper I called out "Maggie." Turns out, I was right and Maggie got her test paper. "Called it" I cheered. Then KAYSHI tried to call out a name and guess who is next to get their paper. He guessed Bella. He was right. Bella got her test paper. Then Kayshi guessed Emily. Right again. Then he guessed Bailey would get her test next. "Kayshi, if you get this right..." Ava said. The teacher looked at the test papers with a surprised look on her face. She took a dramatic pause before responding, "Bailey"
KAYSHI WAS RIGHT AGAIN. Everyone when crazy.
Then he guessed Kendall. Not this time bruh. He guess again and failed. A little later Kendall was called to get her paper. Then I guessed that I would be next. I was right. *insert troll face* Kayshi tried to guess that he was next. Wrong again. "I gave you my vibes, Kayshi" I taunted, "BUT NOW ITS GONE, CHICKEN"

I'm supposed to be doing science... Hahaah I'm so bad 😏

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