High on Air

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Yesterday, again, I was in LA class and we were allowed to talk while we where doing work. Don't know why...but anyway
(Me=bold text Odalys(random_shipper_girl )= what ever this is called text)
Have you seen ASDF movie 9
No...send me the link
It's funny, a random guy starts to sing and if he ever stopped he would explode, then someone says hi to him, making him stop and he exploded.
I like trains...
YEA that's there too. There's this guy and he was holding his phone and the phone starts ringing and he answers it. The "I like trains" kids says "I like trains" and the train jumps out of the phone and runs the guy over.
Okay I'm going to have to see it later

Suddenly, Odalys dropped her pencil on the floor. She reached down to get it-

NO! It's gone forever...
I can totally see Pit and Dark Pit going to school and all of desks and chairs are floating--...
And everything else is on the floor...
Yea and all of the sudden Pit drop his pencil on the floor and they are floating in the chair
Then Pit tries to go down to get it and Dark Pit is like "NO! It's gone forever"
Odalys and I began to laugh.
You should make that into a comic
Odalys must had agreed to the idea for she started to draw my suggestion, using the terrible drawing of Dark Pit I tried to do.
I think we got high on air...
We did...

Then I heard the teacher yell at everyone to be quiet.
All well...

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