The Accident

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YESTERDAY, I was at my last dance class for the day, under-studying for the older girls' tap. Before we started, our tap teacher, Mrs. Ashley told us a weird story.
"So I was walking pass a hospital, bring my stuff home then all of the sudden I just hear someone yell 'AHHHFFUUUUUUUUUU&;$;&;&:' I past the somewhat entrance to see a guy lying down with his bike lying next to him. He just screaming, cussing, and holding his stomach in pain while a bunch of Asians(I hope this isn't racist) surrounding his all stress out on stuff. I just continued walking because I didn't want to be part of it. Then I met up with my mom a about seconds away, because the place I went to didn't have parking, and when I walked up to her, I saw her laughing at what I just walked by. I asked her what happened. 'The guy was riding his bike past the car and the girl simply opened the parked car door'" we laughed so hard you can hear it in the other room. I couldn't breath. Mrs. Ashley continues, "that's a bad was to get injured. I mean what happens if someone asked you what happened...'I ran into a door...a door from a parked car...that wasn't moving'...well the hospital is right next to you" We had been laughing for about five minutes. It was that bad.

Then we listened to the song we were dancing to for the year.

The End

Wow! My 30th part! PARTY🎉🎊

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