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So...I gots a tag by NaeNaeSpongebob


#1) Do you have any pets?

I used to, but no

#2) Do you have any bad habits?

Maybe, but I usually don't realize it

#3) What are your good habits?

I have no idea...

#4) Do you like hats?

YAAAAASSSS. My mom doesn't let me wear them because they WILL mess up my hair

#5) What's your favorite animal?


#6) What's your favorite song?

I don't truly have one because there are too many great songs just to pick one

#7) Do you play an instrument?


#8) What's your favorite letter?

K because that's what my name starts with

#9) Would you be a Spartan or an Athen?

I would be a Spartan so I have an excuse for yelling "THIS IS SPARTA" 24/7

Maybe I want to be a Athen so I have an excuse for saying "THIS ISN'T SPARTA. It's down the road on your left."

#10) Pancakes or Waffles?

Can I have both?

#11) Odd or even numbers?

Even because of my "OCD"

#12) If you had a chance to change your fate, would you?

No, because I don't know what my fate is. I could have died of old age and lived a happy life. If I changed it, I probably would have been brutally murdered, dismembered, eaten, and maybe sexually assaulted. So NO😑

#13) If you were falling from a airplane and your parachute broke what would you do?

I would regret not changing my fate and begin to accept my death while trying to find something to break my fall.

Now for my questions...

#1) If you ever met your magical twin without dying, what would you do?

#2) What's your favorite game/anime?

#3) Cheesecake or Icecream Cake?

#4) Do you like Kid Icarus: Uprising? If so, who is your favorite character &  do you have theories on the game?

#5) In a death battle, who do you truly believe would win: Batman or Superman?

#6) If you had one last week to live, what would you do?

#7) Do you have any amiibo? If so, how many?

#8) What age do you think is appropriate to start dating? (It's 30 in my opinion)

#9) What's your favorite reality?

#10) You were being chased in a horror movie and found a house full of weaponry and a car with full fuel. Which one would you go for?

#11) What's your favorite YouTube channel/ YouTuber?

#12) If you saw Larxene, would you prepare to beat her butt or prepare to get your butt kicked?

(This is her by the way)

#13) If a stranger got into your house and you know they were there would you attack the person to stun them then call the police with the chance of being killed, but without the risk of anything being stolen or hide and call the police without th...

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#13) If a stranger got into your house and you know they were there would you attack the person to stun them then call the police with the chance of being killed, but without the risk of anything being stolen or hide and call the police without the chance of being killed, but the risk of thing getting stolen and let them get away?




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