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Yesterday...again, but earlier, we where crazy people in the 8th grade. 24 crazy people in one class. During lunch, I told this story.

How My Friends and I met Odalys

At first, Odalys was a shy girl, but that was the first day of school...until she met my friends and me. "OMG HIIIIIIII!!!! MY NAME'S GIONNA Gmusic718 " "WE COME IN PEACE" I yelled.
A few days with us made Odalys like us. We usually be flailing our arms around yelling random stuff...okay that's mostly me, but still.
End of story

Later, yesterday, my half of the class had gym while the other half had math. Since some of the girls had a soccer game to get to, we didn't have enough people to do anything gym related. So Mrs. Groh made us help her in the teacher kitchen. There where some soda cans that where beat up, but the soda was still good. Mrs. Groh gave everyone the beat up soda cans instead of wasting them. There was just enough for everyone in my half of the class. After we where done helping, we drew a blank on what we had to do at the moment, so we made fun of the other half of the eight grade class. They where working in math. Hahaah.😏
Then we shot some hoops and that was it really. 🙄

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