Chapter 2

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Sorry, this is a short update. Don't worry, more to come soon xx

Liah's POV:

"Liah! My dear" Liz shouted and engulfed me in a bear hug. "Hey Liz" I sighed and pulled back to flash a smile. Andrew came up to me and hugged me as well. I helped the guy, who is my new brother and is called Ben, pack my stuff in the back of the car. I hopped in the car and we drove off to our new house. Ben, who sat next to me, stared at me intensly. "Can I help you, Ben?" I asked quietly. "No... Uhm... I never had a sister..." he stumbled over his words. "Well, now you have one" I cheered. "Enjoying it so far?" I asked. He nodded, smiling. "We're hereeee" Liz sang. "Mum, please" Ben said and I giggled. I looked to my left and saw this cute house they live in. "Wow" I said. "I know it's not the size of house you're used to.. But we ca-" Liz rambled. I cut her off by saying "It's sooooo cute" and throwing my hands in the air. She smiled and walked up the front porch. The door opened and another, may I add, good-looking guy walked out of the house to help me with my stuff.

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