Chapter 20

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Liah's POV:

I walked up to my room to do something fun with my hair and face. When I sat down at my dressing table, I looked at myself. "What should I do?" I said out loud. I picked up my curling iron and made big wavy curls in my mid- length hair. When I was done curling my hair, I took out my make up. I did army green eye shadow lightly on my eyelids and eyeliner on with a wing. I put mascara on after curling my lashes and I finished my look with red lipstick. It wasn't too much, but it was noticable. I looked at the clock again and it was 12.15. Joyce should be here in 15 minutes. I walked downstairs again to see Liz and Andrew eating their breakfas with a cup of coffee. Andrew looked up from his newspaper and his eyes flew over my body. "You look eye-catching today." he smiled and Luke, who was sitting on his phone next to him, smacked his arm. "Dad, don't be creepy." he said and I laughed. "It was kinda creepy yeah." I said quietly. "See?" Luke said and I gave him a glare. In the mean time, Liz had looked up from her game on her tablet and watched me with a smile. "Is there a boy coming today?" she asked and I shook my head. "No, my friend Joyce is coming over any minute now. Sorry, I forgot to tell you." I said. "Oh and I dressed nicely because I had some spare time." I added and Liz nodded while Andrew let out an 'oh'. I walked to the fridge and got myself a bottle of water. And that's when the bell rang. "Ooh! She is here!" I squeeled. Luke rubbed his ears from my high screech and I ran to the front door. I opened it and I saw my beautiful blonde friend. "Hey! Come in!" I said smiling. She walked in and greeted me. We walked into the kitchen and I introduced her to my family. We went into the garden with some fruit and water and we talked for a bit. About everything.

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