Chapter 13

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Luke's POV:

I just got to my room door when I heard someone jog up the stairs. I turned around and saw Liah. I smiled at her and said "Hey sis.". She looked at me weirdly and got into her room. What the..? Anyway. I walked into my room and got out my laptop and my English books. I opened my book and it was all chinese for me. I mean, how am I supposed to remember all the grammar?

*beep beep*

I had a text. I unlocked my phone and opened the text.

Calum: Hi, how's Liah?

It said. What? Why would he want to know?

To Calum: Why? Is anything wrong?

I send it and looked at my books again. Now my phone was ringing. I picked up the call. "Yo Cal" I said "Hey, I have to tell you something" he said, unsure. "Yeah sure. What's up?" I said and layed down. "Well... Mikey and Ash kinda pulled a prank on your sister. It's not funny tho." He said. "What did they do then?" Calum told the whole story about how I would have made a plan to bully her. And now she is paranoid. How could they? I expected this from Michael, but not from Ash. Liah must be terrified to live here. "Can you do something?" I asked Calum. "Anything for you man" he said. "Can you come over tonight? I have a plan."

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