Chapter 22

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Liah's POV:

We wrote out the whole evening of what we are going to do and how we will do it. The only thing we need to do now, is tell Calum, maybe informing Michael and get ready for the rest of the week.

As we hid all the stuff in my room, we comprimised on going out for lunch. Luke took the keys of Ben's old car and stepped inside. "I didn't know you can drive?" I said and he shrugged his shoulders. "Just before you joined the family, I got my license." he said and I nodded. "Okay cool." I said. "And I told you, my car is still broken." he said and Joyce tapped me on the shoulder. "Can you drive?" she asked me. "Yes I can. My previous family payed for my lessons so I can drive some of the kids around." I explained and Luke looked at me intensly. "You know you are the sweetest, don't you?" he said and I saw Joyce's smile fade. "I know. And Joyce here knows, as well as me, that you are very sweet yourself." I said and a smile came on both their faces along with a blush. Mission complete. "Anyway, shall we go, mr Handsome?" Joyce asked and I raised my eyebrows at her. "Flirting, huh?" I said so only she could hear. She blushed and nodded. "As you wish, cutie." said Luke and I could feel their love for each other in the air. This is so cute!

After lunch, Joyce had to go and we dropped her off at her house. When we came back to ours, Luke followed me to the living room and I held up a xbox controller. "Fifa?" I asked and he nodded, jumping on the couch and we played for what seemed like hours. I have to admit, I can't wait till Saturday.

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