Chapter 5

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Liah's POV:

After unpacking all my stuff, it was the evening. I ate dinner with the Hemmings family and I got to know them all a little bit more. "Liah, can you help Luke with the dishes?" Andrew asked me. I nodded with a sincere smile and stood up from my place at the table to help Luke with the chore. "And how do you find living with the idiots I call my family?" Luke asked. "Heard that!" I heard a pair of voices say from the living room. I giggled and shrugged. "You are all really nice." I smiled and he pulled me in for a side hug. "I like having another female around." Luke said and began to clean the dishes. "Besides Molly and Liz... Am I okay to live with?" I asked laughing. "More than okay. You are amazing to live with." he said, making big arm movements. "Says the guy who knows me for only a couple hours." I said laughing. "Hey now... I just love the idea of pranking you, since you look like a good victim." he said playfully. "Oh prank war is on, Hemmings." I said and he laughed at my response. "Just wait for it" I said quietly. "What was that?" Luke asked, slamming a handfull of foam into my face. "Oh no you didn't! It's officially on!" I said, laughing our asses off.

@nora_styles0007 is the 10th voter!!! Go follow them :))) xxx

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