Chapter 35

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Liah's POV:

Kyle asked about me when the song ended. Luke took the lead on telling how I came into their lives. "Well, my mum and dad talked almost every night about how they wanted a daughter about the same age as me. When they told their friends about it, this woman said her neighbour had a lot of foster children and couldn't take care of all of them. So my parents contacted the woman and the person who was responsible for the children and they managed to not only take care but adopt one of the girls. And that's how Liah came into our family." Luke said and it was the longest explanation ever. 

"Liah, welcome to the 5SOS crew. And it may be a personal question, but did you agree to go to a new family?" Jackie asked me. I gulped and sat up to talk into the microphone. "I did. The foster family I was in, was way too noisy and the kids and I had such an age gap. I met Liz and Andrew before I was replaced, of course. And they were the exact parents I wanted and wished for. Now I'm part of the Hemmings household, I couldn't be happier." I said and Jackie nodded, approving my honest answer. 

"Are you actually wearing their name?" Kyle asked and I nodded. "Yes I am. We are still in process of changing it on my passport, but I am a real Hemmings now." I said. "What about the curly guy?" Kyle asked and looked over to Ashton. "We met at our school and I had art class with her and Michael. She was the most outstanding quiet but beautiful girl in the room. We eventually started to talk and ended up liking each other very fast. And, yeah, here we are now, an official couple."

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