Chapter 3

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Liah's POV:

"Hey" he smiled. I melted and froze in my place. "Uhm... Hi... I'm Liah." I stumbled over my words. "I know haha. I'm Jack, your other brother." he smiled. "Wait.. So how many brothers do I have?" I asked. He held three fingers in the air and since that motion, I was searching for my other brother. We got all my stuff in the house and up to my room. It was huge but cozy at the same time. It was modern but home-like. "Luke furnished it." I heard Liz behind me. "Is that my other brother?" I asked and she nodded. "He is still at school I believe." she said and I hummed. "Hmm okay. I'll see him later then." I smiled at her and began unpacking. After an hour and twenty minutes or so, I heard the front door open and close. "Mum is she here already?" a boy, probably Luke, asked. "She's in her room. But don't scare her. It's a big change already." Liz said. I heard him saying "okay" and footsteps coming my way. I was sitting on the floor, folding my clothes and laying tops by tops and jeans by jeans. "Hey" I heard Luke say behind me. I turned around and his jaw dropped. "Hey" I smiled. "Wow" he breathed. "I'm sorry. Is there some dust in my hair or something?" I started to panick for my first impression. "No.. No.. I-I just never had a sister. Let alone a pretty one like you." he said. Oh my goodness.... He thinks I'm pretty???. My mind was racing. How could someone so goodlooking like him think I'm pretty? I mean, I don't have a low self esteem, but I look like a potato. How? He said next to me and helped me fold my clothes.

A/N: Comment "WE RULE" if you are a potato ;). WE POTATOES WILL TAKE OVER THE WORLD xMuriel

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