Chapter 7

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Liah's POV:


"Liah" I heard someone whisper. "Liah, you need to get up." Luke said softly. Somehow we're cuddled up and I can't remember. I started thinking how I got here. "Liah?" Luke asked, sitting up and tracing his fingers on my back. "Mmhmm" I hummed. "You need to go to school today." Luke said, a giggle leaving his mouth. "I know. I don't want to." I said to him, turning on my other side to face my brother. He had a pout planted on his lips. "Why are you pouting?" I asked and he sighed. "Because you don't want to go to this amazing school we all love" Luke said sarcasrically, trying to keep an staight face. I laughed and a sleepy Liz came into the room. "Liah? Why are you here?" she asked, confused. "She woke me up around midnight because it was storming and she is scared of thunder. I let her sleep here so she is not alone." Luke explained. And that's when memories from last night came back into my head. "Of course" I mumbled. "Hmm?" Liz asked. "Hmm... Oh... Nothing..." I answered. "Well, anyways, you two need to get up." she said and left. "Not a morning person?" I asked Luke. "Nope" he shook his head. I nodded and went into my bathroom to get ready for the day.

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