Chapter 17

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Liah's POV:

I explained what we are going to do to prank Ash. It wasn't really a prank for me, but the boys don't really know I have a thing for Ashton. Basically, we are going to film this "sexy scene" where I dress up nicely in a short black dress. Kian bought that for me when I lived back there. We used to sneak into these parties and replace the vodka with water. Evil, I know. I'm a prankster okay? Calum was cool with it, Kian thought I would be overly sexy and Luke wasn't sure. He said "What would mum think of that?". And to be honest, I have no idea. After an hour or so of planning, Kian was going to sleep and I agreed on that. I was dead tired. I walked downstairs to drink a glass of water. Luke said goodbye to Calum and he went home. Luke came into the kitchen with a frown planted on his face. "What's up Hemmo?" I asked and took the last sip of my water, putting it in the sink. "I'm so sorry for my so called friends" he said. "That's okay." I said. "It'll be fine in the end." I walked out of the kitchen into the living room. I said goodnight to Liz and Andrew and went upstairs, Luke following me. I stopped in front of my door. "Hey Liah?" Luke asked. "Yeah" I said and turned around. "Goodnight." he smirked and hugged me. I giggled "Goodnight Lukey." I said and he kissed my cheek. "See you tomorrow." he said and walked into his room. Never had a sibling hugged me or even kissed my cheek. I was startled. "Don't worry, Liah. Siblings can do that." he said through the door. I blinked into reality and walked into my room. I sighed and got ready for bed. Finally a home, I thought. I crashed into my bed and fell asleep minutes after.

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