Chapter 14

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Liah's POV:

I was walking around in my room. "Where is my straightner?" I mumbled to myself. "Hey honey, what are you looking for?" Liz came into my room. I turned around and smiled. "My straightner. Have you seen it?" I asked and she frowned. "I think I saw one in Luke's bathroom. You must've left it there." She answered. I thanked her and walked over to breadstick's room. I was about to knock when I overheard him on the phone.
"Can you do something?.... Can you come around? I have a plan." Luke said. SHIT. My thoughts were running and the door opened. "Hey Liah, can I help you?" He smiled and I backed up. "Erm, yeah. Is my straightner in your bathroom?" I asked and he walked towards his bathroom, coming back with my iron in his hand. "Here you go. But we are going to have dinner in a bit?" he questioned. "I know. My friend is going to skype me and I wanted to have my hair straight for it." I said in all honesty. He nodded and ran downstairs, probably helping Liz set the table. We had dinner and I did the dishes. Luke walked in and took the towel to dry the clean dishes. "Thank you" I said. He looked at me weirdly. "For helping me with the dishes." I said and he made a face saying "ohhh". I giggled and he smiled. "Haven't heard that giggle in a while." he said and I smiled. "I kinda missed it." he admitted and I nodded, not knowing how to respond.

When I finished washing up and finally sat on my bed, I opened skype to see a missed call. I called back and my friend appeared on the screen. "Liaahh! Oh my god I miss you!" he exclaimed. "Oh my gosh Kian! You haven't changed, have you?" I giggled. "Nope, but you have. Where are you now?" He asked pointing to my new room. "New foster family. They're are so calm and cool." I said. I heard a cough and Luke was at my door.

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