When he does something cute

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When he does something cute


You thought is was cute when he was telling people who were trying to take over Kiaba Corp how to take over a company properly when they failed.


You and him were at the park and you laughed when you saw him making a bee line towards the swings.


You and Yugi are going on a date. When he came, you saw him in a cute suit! You giggled while he blushed.


You thought his annoyed face was so cute! You saw him make that face when he was trying to prove to Yami that Dungeon and Dice monsters is not the same as Duel Monsters.....which it is.



you thought that his 'Nyeh's were so cute!


You thought it was so cute when he was killing someone....it's not weird.........

....you're weird......


You thought it was cute when he thought that he can control people over the internet.

Yami Marik:

You thought that it was so cute, when he was taking someone soul.........don't ask why


Once Professor Crowler asked Jaden a question and he made his thinking face! 

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