21 | sehun

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"I will not let Joohyun go alone..." He said, feeling anger take over him.

Suddenly, he heard a door open and close. His gase met his father's and he ran to the living room, where Joohyun was minutes ago. His eyes widened. No...

He ran to the front door and to the street. A familiar figure was getting smaller at every steps it took. He tried to run after the girl, but never reached her.

He fell on his knees, unable to breath. "Is that you, Sehun?" He turned his head to the side, looking in direction of the voice that just called him.

It was Jenna. A classmate of his. He saw her once or twice with Joohyun, but they didn't seem really close compared to him and Jongin. "What are you doing here?" She asked with concern as she helped the boy to stand up.

"Joohyun..." Just saying her name made him want to cry. "Joohyun..." He looked like a lost boy: pale, breathing loudly and sweating as if he was in a sauna.

Jenna leaned foward, shaking Sehun by his shoulders. "Get a hold of yourself. Even if I'm not close to Joohyun, I'm sure she's fine and probably going somewhere quiet she'll be able to think about whatever what your problem is. Trust me."

Jenna is - probably - right. Joohyun was far from being a stupid girl. Yes, Sehun had to admit she was sometimes naive, but she would know what to do in case she was in danger... In case she was.

He closed his eyes, letting out a sigh. When he wanted to open his dark brown eyes, his surroundings seemed to be moving in a circular motion. Than, nothing.


He was alone in a park. When did I get here? Everything seemed blur. Like a dream. "Sehun, come here!" A little girl called him, waving her small hands at him.

She looked familiar with her long hair, pale skin and doll face. She looked just like her. Like Joohyun. But somehow, the little girl was very different from the girl he likes. She was a lot more cheerful, and a lot more younger.

He walked towards her, confused by what was happening. "What are you scared of? You told me you weren't afraid of anything. Did you lie to me?!" The little girl gasped, and giggled, seeing the boy's blank face.

They walked and walked, and ended up on a cliff. "Why did you take me here?" Sehun asked the girl, looking in front of him. The view was breath-taking. "My dad once told me that if you come here and make a wish, it will come true. One day, I made the wish to make my mom come back, but it didn't work. My dad told me because it wasn't really coming from my heart, but from my head. At first, I was mad and yelled: "You don't understand me!" but then I realised he was right. It wasn't from my heart because even if I wished my mom to come back, I've never seen her in my entire life." The girl turned to look at him. "You- Is that what you really wish for the most at the moment?"

The first thing that came to his mind was Joohyun's face. Questions passed through his head. Was she alright? Where was she? Is she with the man she lives with?

Than, he asked himself:

Do I really want her to come back?

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