Meeting him{2}

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I woke up to the sound of Busters barking, "Buster shut up" I yell covering my face with my pillow.

God that dogs barking drives me insane.

I slowly open my eyes waiting for them to adjust to the light. I flop my arm over to the bed side table and look at my phone.

"Shit, I slept in!" I yell loudly.

I jump out of bed, grab a jumper and some skinny jeans and threw my hair into a messy bun and sprinted out of my room, (if only I got dressed that quick every day) .

(Guys I think it's obvious that she brushes her teeth and stuff like that I just can't be f*cked writing it, just cause I don't write it thought it was pretty obvious but guess not....)

I wasn't surprised to see dad wasn't home probably at work I run out the door, jump in the car and drive to school.

When I got to school I started running to class, I cannot be late I repeat under my breath until I was knocked over onto the floor.

I start cursing under my breath and stand up to hear a voice telling me sternly to watch where I'm going. I look up to see...Chase Ryder?!

He's the schools hottest meanest bad boy, I look at him confusingly with my mouth open.

I quickly snap out of it,  "Me? watch where I'm going, what the hell, you should watch where your going big idiot!" I yell frustratedly.

He stands there with a smirk on his face.

really Layla idiot, is that the best you could of come up with?

I snapped of of my thoughts to see Chase still standing there smirking obviously at my lame comeback.

"what? you are a idiot!" I yell with annoyance in my tone.

He starts to laugh.

"Oh no, not an idiot" he says with a mocking tone.

By this point I must be bright red and steam coming out of my ears with frustration.

"yes an idiot!" I say childishly, he act's like he's offended and starts to walk close to me until I'm pushed up against a locker, he puts both hands up either side to me, keeping me caged in between him.

He then leans in, I can feel his warm breath against my neck.

"well look who's a feisty" he whispers.

He then moves back and walks off casually, I just stand there frozen, what just happened

I suddenly realise I was still late for class, I run to class to see Mrs Funnel giving me a glare.

"why are you five minutes late Layla Wood?!" She snaps.

I just stand there, not knowing what to say.

"Detention" she yells causing me to jump.

"ye-yes miss" I stutter.

I quickly take a seat the only thing on my mind being...I could kill Chase Ryder!!

I get to detention to see Mr Taylor sitting at his desk doing a cross word, he points to a sheet, I pick it up and take my spot near the back.

I start to fill out the sheet but get interrupted by someone behind me throwing a paper plane "real mature" I mumble u see my breath sarcastically then I hear a voice sounding very familiar.

"settle down kitty" a husky voice says behind me.

I sigh realising who it was, really? Today just wasn't my day

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