Late night cuddles{30}

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Did I actually just ask Chase to live with me?!

I didn't even ask my dads permission, I don't even know where the hell he'll sleep? How much food does he need? Does he have enough clothes? Wow I really didn't think this through!

After I told Chase he could stay with me he put his backpack in my room which I don't even know if dad would approve of Chase sleeping in the same bed of me which I can't exactly blame him for.

I basically waited for dad to come home from work.

It was five thirty when dad got home which is early for him.

"Hey sweetie!" My dad shouts up stairs.

I wave my hand at him from the living room.

"Oh, I thought you where upstairs sweetie" he smiles and kisses my cheek.

"Are you okay sweetheart you look a little pale?" He ask and places his brief case down and feels my forehead.

"I'm fine" I lie and squeeze my hands that are becoming sweaty.

"What's up?" Dad asked with a concerned expression.

"Um well it's about Chase" I say hinting.

"What? Did use break up or something?" My dad says and places a arm around my shoulder.

"No me and Chase are fine, but--" I squeak.

"Your not pregnant are you?! Layla we already had the talk, you should know better! When I get my hands on Chase!" My dad shouts turning red.

"Dad!" I yell getting his attention.

"I'm not pregnant!" I yell embarrassed.

"Your sure" he sighs.

Well I'm pretty sure virgins can't get pregnant! And I highly doubt I'm the next Virgin Mary, so no!

"Yes I'm sure" I say slapping my forehead in embarrassment.

"Well what's up?"

"Chase needs a place to stay for a bit so I kinda said he could--"

"Woah, woah I know where this is going and my answer is no way!" My dad yells and walks to the kitchen.

"Come on dad!" I moan and follow him to the kitchen.

"No Layla" my dad says sternly.

"Please dad! He has no where to go" I plead.

"Why?"my dad asked frowning.

"Because of stuff, okay?" I mumble it's not that I don't trust my dad but it's none of my business and I don't know if Chase would want him to know.

"Well stuff isn't good enough Layla"

"Dad come on, I don't ask for anything so just trust me when I say this is important" I sigh.

My dad just shakes his head and sighs.

"So this is important?" My dad asked.

"Yes" I whisper.

"Okay but--"

I cut him off and squeal and hug him.

"Yay thanks dad!" I clap.

"Woah,woah wait a sec" my dad says and puts his hands up to calm me.


"There are going to be some rules" my dad raises a eyebrow to let me know he's serious.

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