Five: Maia's P.O.V. Ghost Lagoon

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"Ooo, spooky!" Trinity laughs in a creepy sugar-high kind of voice.
The whole group erupts in laughter, including me.
"Yeah, c'mon, tell us!" Luna shouts.
Trinity begins to chant,"Tell us! Tell us! Tell us!"
Of course, the rest of the gang chants with her. And there's a lot of them. Trinity, Luna, Orion, and Annabelle is the only one not saying anything, so I thank her for that bit.
"Okay, okay."
The thunder claps from outside. There's huge thunderstorms going through all of Golden Bay. The palm trees are being whipped around in the wind; the ocean is mighty rough; debris flies around everywhere. A strike of lightning flashes.
Worst of all, we are all isolated in a little beach clubhouse. The bright side is there's a vending machine full of snacks, and an other one with drinks. There's a popcorn machine, and a million sleeping bags. A first aid kit, a TV, DVDs, flashlights, and millions of other knick-knacks to go around. Of course, we have our own things. Luna has her book, and the rest of us have our phones. Annabelle even has her laptop.
"A really long time ago, there was a ship wreck in the ocean right near here. All passengers survived. They used lifeboats and rafts and some had to swim. They washed up on the shores of this very area. There was no civilization what so ever here, and all feared for their lives. No food, no fresh water, no shelter. Eventually, it was every man for himself. Then the passengers find the captain, who was supposed to go down with his ship. He has food and water to drink and the passengers tried to invade his shelter. The other thing he had - a gun. He started shooting the passengers one by one, until they were all dead. After he realized what he had done, he shot himself. People say their spirits still haunt this town. That's how Ghost Lagoon got its name!"
Thunder booms and lightning blinks.
The group is silent. The only sound now is the rain pounding on the roof.
Then they erupt in laughter once more.
"You expect us to believe that?" Trinity cackles.
"Yeah, c'mon, we're teenagers!" Orion says chuckling.
"It's true," I tell them.
"Yeah," Trinity wipes away a tear."Sure."
I roll my eyes playfully."You guys."
"Yay," Annabelle finally says something."Death."
She's lifeless.
The laughter dies down, and is soon gone.
"I think it's true," mutters Luna in the silence, her eyes wide.
"Yeah, see?" I say."Thanks Luna."
"Oh, it's true," Kaia says. Her eyes are wide too, looking behind me at the door.
Everyone's eyes are wide. Everyone is gazing at the door. They all begin to get up from where they were sitting and back away from me.
"Guys...?" I look behind me and scream.

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