Chapter Sixteen: Trinity's P.O.V. The Three Tasks

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I feel like I've been walking for days. Weeks, maybe. I miss the light.
I've made absolutely no progress. Well, at least as far as I know. There's still only inky blackness for miles. There's no chance I'll find Annabelle. And even if I wanted to turn back, there's no way I'd find Trinity, Luna, and Orion either. So I guess I'll keep going, even if it means I go insane or die or something.
Oh well. My feet ache and my legs feel like they're going to fall off. I'm tired, too. This apocalypse stuff is messed up.
Then, a start to hear a voice.
"Please, help!"
It's getting louder.
"Help me! Please! Someone, anyone!"
"Annabelle!" I shout."Annabelle, is that you?!"
There's no reply.
"Annabelle, it's me, Trinity! Where are you?! Are you okay?!" Who am I kidding, of course she's not okay! How stupid can I get?
  "Oh, she's not here..." says an echoey man's voice. It sounds almost fake, unreal...
  Rising up from the invisible black ground is a glowing yellow man with a black top hat, bow tie, and eye patch. Cipher. It has to be.
  "What have you done with Annabelle?" I ask firmly.
  "Looking for her, are you? Alone? Where are your friends, Trinity? They abandoned you. That's right. They don't care."
  "I..." The truth is, I don't know how to reply to that. I stand there stupidly, wanting to say something, but I don't know what to say. It could be true. He knows everything - my friends might actually not care. Should I even call them my friends?
  "Look, I can help you find Wings..."
  "Annabelle, excuse me."
  "You can?" But I have to stop myself."What's the catch?"
"It's nothing, really. All I'm giving you is three simple-"
"And by simple you mean impossible," I interrupt.
He ignores me."-tasks to pursue, and I'll show you where Annabelle is. Heck, I'll bring you to her! How does that sound, Tri?"
"Tell me the tasks! Then I'll see if your stupid  little deal is worth it." I think for a moment."And don't call me Tri," I add quickly.
"Hm. Okay. The first task is to bring me the crystal flower, deep within the magical forests of Echo Falls. The second task is to bring me gold. Not just any gold - the gold atop the highest peak of Dreamscape. The gold on the top of Mount Bill."
  Would it be worth it? "Ok. I'll do it."
  His hand extends out and erupts in blue flame.
  I shake on it.

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