Chapter Thirty Eight: Luna's P.O.V. Some Things Are Best Unknown

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We kneel before Annabelle, who is dead.
Maia hugs me and cries. Orion wipes away tears. I let the tears flow. Trinity just sits and watches Annabelle die.
"She's not dead," Trinity mutters."She can't be." She covers her mouth with her hands."It's all my fault. This can't be happening, it's all my fault!"
  I rub her back."We did what we could."
  "But it wasn't enough," Orion says, staring at Annabelle's dead body.
  "Sure, we killed Cipher, but Annabelle's dead too. What's the point?" Maia sighs.
  "She always talked about death," Trinity says suddenly.
  We all look at her, confused.
  "Under her breath," she continued,"so no one would hear. She never wanted to exist. Her past was so tragic. She'd do illegal things, and awful things. She didn't care. She had no fear of death, she didn't care if her life was about to end. Did you ever see her really smile? Really laugh? No, all her happiness was fake. She hid her feelings deep down inside her soul. She had everything bottled up inside her for her entire lifespan. I wanted to help her so much. Ever since that night in Ghost Lagoon years ago. It was nighttime, and there were so many stars shining. We were laying on the roof of an abandoned house. We were talking, and suddenly she burst out crying. I asked her what was wrong, and she just spilled out everything. She made me promise I'd never tell, so I won't give details, but it was so heartbreaking. And since then, I made it my life goal to try to help her. I fell in love. But it's too late. Maybe she's happy now, now that she's dead. Then I guess maybe I should be happy, because she is happy too."
  I exhale and process this."I can't believe all this time she felt that way... and I had no idea. I feel awful."
"It's okay, Luna," Maia assures, putting an arm around me."I didn't know. Neither did Orion. Some things are best unknown."
"Wise words," Orion comments.
"Wise as she was," Trinity sighs.
"C'mon, let's get outta here," Maia leads the group out of Cipher's castle. Orion holds Annabelle in his arms. She looks so lifeless as he carries her.
"I guess we were the five that could beat him," I realize.
"That's pretty cool, you gotta admit it," Orion smiles.
My girlfriend nods."I actually didn't even think about it until you mentioned it. And we lived to tell the tale!"
"If only Annabelle were here to tell hers," Trinity says."We couldn't have done it without her."
Days later, we organize a funeral. Many dark angels and fairies show up, along with other random citizens. Overall, there are probably a hundred Dreamers here. If only she knew how loved she was.
Trinity says some words, with tears swimming in her eyes. Afterwards, we cremate her body. We put her ashes in a small pouch, and I hand them to Trinity.
"So you and Annabelle are always together," I tell her.
Trinity takes the pouch and begins to cry. She hugs me."Thank you."
I hug her back."No need to thank us. Annabelle would want this."
She sniffles. "You think so?"
"I know so."
  "Well, I should get going," she says after our hug."I'll put her in a safe place." She walks away, her bare feet pressing against the soft grass. Finally, she jumps and flies away.
  "Me too," Orion adds. He climbs into his truck."Bye!" he calls as he drives away.
  "That leaves us," Maia comments."Ready?"
  I nod, and we walk back to my mansion together, holding hands.
  The funeral was in Echo Falls, which isn't too far from Galaxy City, just a few areas over. Once we get there, I feel energy flow through me. The night is as beautiful as ever, since the apocalypse has ended. I make a full moon, and it's brighter than ever.

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