Chapter Twenty Two: Trinity's P.O.V. Magical Quest

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Do it for Annabelle, I keep telling myself as I head towards Echo Falls. The beautiful, tranquil, sound of the waterfall calms me, but only for a moment. I've got to find the crystal flower.
I look around, but I have no idea where to search. I begin to regret ever shaking that dumb demon's hand.
Do it for Annabelle.
Curse my stupid heart for wanting to save her. I care about people too much. At least I'm not mean, but... is there such a thing as being too nice? I sigh as I come near the forest.
I think of Annabelle struggling right now. I wonder where she is. I hope she's okay. I find myself blushing at the thought of her.
No, I say to myself, there is no way.
I gaze up at the sky to find gloomy, dark clouds hovering over the land. I continue walking through the woods, but my legs get tired. I use my wings and fly close to the ground. Soon I find a random ray of sunshine going directly to the forest floor. It's so bright that I have to squint. I land.
And there it is: a gorgeous crystal flower of all colors in the rainbow. I gaze at it for a moment, capturing its beauty. The light pouring down on it makes an amazing effect. I don't think I have the guts to move it out of its place. It's too pretty there. It looks harshly pushed into the ground, too. How will I ever get it out? Ol' Cipher really makes things tough.
Do it for Annabelle.
I grab the soil around and underneath and pull. It comes out. The sunlight disappears and is absorbed into darkness. I hope that doesn't mean anything bad.
What's next? Oh yeah, the gold on top of Mount Bill, the tallest peak in Dreamscape. What does he want with stuff anyway? He'll probably make or do something horrible with it.
  Do it for Annabelle.
  I don't care. I don't give a crap if it destroys Dreamscape or the universe. As long as Annabelle is okay.
  That's all that matters to me.

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