Chapter Twelve: Maia's P.O.V. Guilt

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I feel like it's my fault.
We've lost two people in our group, and one of them was because of me.
Well, I don't have to claim it as my fault, after all, Trinity did slap me. But I was just trying to help. I guess I'm not very good at that.
The three of us - Orion, Luna, and myself - are just standing here in the dark. Trinity just walked off into the black abyss of nothingness. We can't go after her, it's too dangerous. We'd all die. But if we don't go, she'll die. Unless some sort of miraculous force comes over and just randomly saves her.
"We should probably get out of here," I suggest.
"But we're lost," Luna says.
"We can't just stand here, though," I argue."Let's just go back from where we started. Um..." I twirl 360 degrees."Where did we come from again?"
Luna sighs and sits down. Orion pats her on the back.
Then there's very faint laughing - like a small child's laugh. Creepy. No one should be here; and even if anyone is here they should be dead. The laughing gets louder and echoes, and for some reason the laugh sounds very familiar.
Luna stands back up as if she's preparing for a fight. Orion looks worried. Orion looking worried? Not good.
Now I realize why it sounds familiar: it's Cipher's laugh.
Rising out of nothingness, a glowing yellow human in a top hat and bow tie appears.
"Well, well, well, isn't this lovely," Cipher taunts."Our three little heroes think they can beat me. How adorable."
"Listen up, you unholy freak!" I shout, unknowing of my courage to say that. Okay, great. So I guess I'm dead now.
"Ooh, you think you're so brave?" Cipher says.
"Where are you hiding Annabelle?" Orion yells.
"You act like I'm going to tell you!" Cipher laughs."I'm not playing the dumb game, Orion. You think you're so brave? Find her and Trinity before they're dead. I'm watching you."
A big circle with symbols pops around him and he disappears.
Orion says,"But we've gotta get out of here. Fast."

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